
Digital technologies: ally and enemy of your sustainability journey

  • Location


  • Topic(s)
    Computer Science & ICT, Engineering
  • Type(s)
    Free of charge, Virtual event

LunchTalk held in English

Auban Derreumaux
Managing Partner, Innov’Iction

Dr. Benoit Ries
Research scientist
Faculty of Science, Technology and Medicine
Department of Computer Science


In the age of sustainability issues, digitisation has been considered as a key leverage, seen as a way to avoid material resource usage. The digital world is far from being virtual: its annual attribution to the global GHG emissions was estimated at around 4% in 2019, and subject to grow by 50% in 2025. And the environmental impacts throughout the lifecycle raise concerns beyond climate change. Digital Transformations (DT) are expected to integrate sustainability into the decision-making process and the roadmap. The example of Generative AI technologies, as a trigger for a new wave of DTs, illustrates the process, limits, and further considerations to take into account ecological, as well as social, implications.

This event is part of the Sustainability LunchTalk series