
Orange Week: Exhibition on violence against women

  • University / Central Administration and Rectorate
    16 November 2022
  • Category

The Orange Week raises awareness for the elimination of violence against women. On this occasion, the University organises an exhibition entitled “Behind the Numbers…”. The exhibition opens on 25 November at 17.00 at the Maison du Savoir (MSA).

“Behind the numbers…”

Fanny Vella, a French artist, created black and white portraits of women who were victims of feminicide as part of her series “Behind the Numbers…”. Her portraits remind us that hidden behind the numbers are women, girls and friends who are not only victims, but who also all had full lives. The exhibition is a tribute to all of them.

With her work, Fanny Vella wants to highlight the women behind the crimes, “because victims of domestic violence are not only people who hide in the corner of their house, fearing the blows or bending their backs to the malicious words of the person they live with, they are also women who go out on Saturday nights, smile, and make funny jokes. They love movies, dance, like to decorate their houses, speak loudly, sometimes shout, have a fat or crystalline laugh, are messy, are alive. Or were.”

Join us for the opening and feel free to visit the exhibition from 25 November to 25 January.

Marie by Fanny Vela

Information stand

In addition to the exhibition, the Foyer Sud will host an information stand to provide insight into the issue of femicide and violence against women.

Come and visit us on 2 December from 11.00 – 15.00 at the Maison du Savoir (MSA), Belval Campus.


Orange Week | United Nations

Fanny Vella | Instagram

Foyer Sud | Website in French

© University of Luxembourg / Image: freepik