Working at the University

Competitive promotion

The Act of 27 June 2018 on the organisation of the University of Luxembourg provides the University with a procedure for advancement among the professorial ranks.

Building on the rules laid out in the Act, the University has developed a competitive promotion policy and process in close collaboration with the Deans of Faculties, Directors of Interdisciplinary Centres, Human Resources Department and in consultation with the Staff Delegation.

The promotion process is overseen by the Rector who liaises with all involved parties at each step of the procedure.

To be considered for promotion


The evaluation as part of the competitive promotion process includes two major components: evaluation of the applicant across the assessment areas based on own merits, as well as a ranking among the whole pool of applicants in the given level.

Assessment areas

In accordance with article 24 of the University Law regarding the functions of a professor, the applicant’s performance will be measured along the following areas:.

  • Research and scholarship, i.e. a record of high-quality and peer-assessed scholarly work;
  • Teaching and doctoral training, i.e. a teaching record with commitment to academic and pedagogical excellence. This may include participation in set-up or reorganisation of teaching programmes;
  • Knowledge and technology transfer, i.e. a record of activity in technology transfer, public outreach, industrial collaboration/partnership or other relevant activities.
  • Administration and management, i.e. a record of university service and good management practice.

The professorial function of “International, European and national collaboration” will be considered within each of the areas laid out above.

The University of Luxemburg encourages interdisciplinarity. Candidates working in multiple disciplines or at their intersections can indicate this in their application documents and will be evaluated accordingly.

It is in the nature of the position that there is overlap between the different categories and that their weight will be different for different individuals, position profiles and disciplines.


After initial scoring across each area of assessment, an overall score outcome is produced. Based on the overall score outcome, the External Evaluation Committee assigns a relative ranking among the applicants for each level.

  • Notifying the Rector on their intention to stand for promotion;
  • Providing the names of up to three external experts that should not be contacted for an assessment and providing an explanation thereof;
  • Gathering all necessary documents and preparing statements of his/her application for competitive promotion as laid out in the present policy;
  • Submitting documentation within the timelines established;
  • Attending meetings, as needed, with the appointed committee; and
  • Responding to any requests for supplementary information from the relevant committee;

Further questions

For further questions please contact