Gender Equality Committee

The Gender Equality Officer Prof. Dr Skerdilajda Zanaj collaborates with employees of the University of Luxembourg to identify and address barriers to gender equality. She assists the rectorate in building and implementing a gender equality policy. As part of her work, the Gender Equality Officer contributes to discussions within national and international organisations.

The position of the Gender Equality Officer is established by Article 10 of the law on the organisation of the University of Luxembourg. As per the University Regulations (Règlement d’Ordre Intérieur), the Gender Equality Officer chairs the Gender Equality Committee, composed of the chairperson and nine other members. This is a gender-balanced team that represents university employees as well as students from the student delegation. The University council nominates the committee members.

Gender Equality Officer

  • Prof Skerdilajda ZANAJ

    Prof Skerdilajda ZANAJ

    Full professor in Economics

The committee is composed as follows:

  • Skerdilajda Zanaj (Gender Equality Officer (FDEF))
  • Laurent Goffin (FDEF)
  • Anne Grünewald (teacher/researcher LCSB)
  • Jean-Baptiste Habourdin (AFT Staff representative)
  • Alban Merzougui (AFT Staff representative)
  • Immaculada Peral Alonso (teacher/researcher FSTM)
  • Agnès Prüm (teacher/researcher FHSE)
  • Stefan Vladimir Capitanescu (student FSTM)
  • Alexandra Someşan (student FHSE)
  • Laetitia Richard (student FSTM)

Laura Mottet, member of the employees’ delegation, is a member of the Gender Equality Committee with no voting rights.

Kerryn Ramm (SnT), Cécile Duval  (the gender delegate of C2DH), Inês Crisóstomo (mentoring program) and Oliver Glassl (FSTM) are invited to participate in the meetings of the Gender Equality Committee.