
The administrative offices and departments are responsible for the smooth running of the University’s activities.

    Special advisors

    Prof. Jean-Luc Bueb supports the team in charge of nursing education and related health professions. To ensure continuous improvement of these newly established programmes, he is the contact person for internal and external teaching staff, supporting their involvement in teaching and coordination of the programmes. Supporting the programme directors, he plays a pivotal role in maintaining quality standards within the programmes, overseeing student selection and enhancing patient safety through the effective integration of theoretical and clinical curricula.

    Special advisor

    Special advisor

    Prof. Dr Anja Leist represents the University of Luxembourg at national and international workshops and in working groups on research assessment, especially within the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (COARA). She is leading an internal process of reflection on research assessment via the faculties and interdisciplinary centres.

    Special advisor

    Prof. Dr Georg Mein is responsible for developing a concept for the creation of a national centre for digital ethics at the University, conducting an international comparative study among similar centres and agencies and identifying national requirements in the area of digital ethics. He is working with external partners to determine the goals and parameters for a National Ethics Report on Digitalisation and associated flagship projects. His tasks also include identifying sources and possibilities for co-funding, taking inspiration from the Luxembourg Centre for Educational Testing (LUCET) model.

    Special advisor

    Prof. Dr Valérie Schafer advises the Rector and the Director of Administration and Finance on developing a roadmap for the University’s archives. She participates in recruiting the archivist team and supports the launch of the University’s activities in this area, including knowledge transfer, guidance on activity set-up, and contributing to the creation of a network of internal and external partners, such as the ministry and national archives.

    Special advisor

    • Prof Valerie SCHAFER

      Prof Valerie SCHAFER

      Deputy Director of C2DH – Full professor / Chief scientist 1 in Contemporary European History

    Prof. Dr Emma Schymanski is involved in national initiatives related to open science and research data management. She is tasked with setting up a working group at the University of Luxembourg to develop a research data management plan that complies with open and FAIR data principles. She is responsible for developing policies for open access and FAIR research data and assessing the University of Luxembourg’s compliance with DORA, Horizon Europe and FNR requirements. She is also evaluating the potential impact of Plan S on the University of Luxembourg and its researchers.

    Special advisor

    • Prof Emma SCHYMANSKI

      Prof Emma SCHYMANSKI

      Deputy Director of LCSB, Full professor in Environmental Cheminformatics

    As the coordinator of the HPC Strategy at the University of Luxembourg, Prof. Dr. Alexandre Tkatchenko oversees the development and diversification of high-performance computing-related activities, with a focus on services for computer sciences. His role includes promoting HPC initiatives both within and outside the university, representing it to various stakeholders in Luxembourg and at the European level. He collaborates with the HPC user community, participates in the university’s HPC Steering Committee, and ensures the communication of existing services through various channels such as the website, newsletter, and HPC school. Additionally, he will work closely with the “Open Science and Research Data Management” mission.

    Special advisor

    • Prof Alexandre TKATCHENKO

      Prof Alexandre TKATCHENKO

      Full professor in Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics

    Prof. Dr Eric Tschirhart coordinates the unrolling of the UNIVERSEH 2.0 and beyond UNIVERSEH projects within the Erasmus+ ‘European Universities’ initiative. He also leads a key work package allocated to the University of Luxembourg related to the UNIVERSEH 2.0 organisation and governance. In addition, he oversees the UniGR mission under the sponsorship of the Vice Rector for Partnerships and International Relations. Part of his responsibilities involves various coordination points and policy issues with the European Commission, especially in the space sector.

    Special advisor

    • Prof Eric TSCHIRHART

      Prof Eric TSCHIRHART

      Full professor, Chargé de Mission

    Prof. Dr Claus Vögele is responsible for leading and strategically developing IAS, proposing an annual budget to the Vice-Rector for Research, and supervising the organisation and implementation of funding instruments for IAS. He heads the IAS Scientific Council and instigates and manages key activities. He is in charge of acquiring additional external funding. He represents IAS within the University and promotes the image of IAS at international level.

    Special advisor

    • Prof Claus VÖGELE

      Prof Claus VÖGELE

      Full professor Health Psychology