Office of Professorial Affairs

Partner in professorial appointments, promotion and career development – for candidates, current faculty, and institutional leadership.

The University of Luxembourg is home to a uniquely diverse and vibrant academic community dedicated to world-class research and education. Our professors are the backbone of this community. They generate knowledge and technologies for the advancement of science, train and empower students, and spur sustainable societal and economic development.

Attracting a diversity of accomplished scholars and promising scientific talent to Luxembourg, and providing optimal conditions for their academic development, is a pre-eminent mission of the University of Luxembourg. The Office of Professorial Affairs supports future professors, current faculty and University leadership in recruitment and career development across the professorial lifespan.

In partnership with the University’s faculties and interdisciplinary centres as well as human resources, the Office ensures a coordinated approach to professorial recruitment and career progression that respects and provides for the needs of candidates, professors, and the academic communities within which they work. Reporting directly to the rector and liaising with the University’s board of governors, administration and academic departments, it facilitates an integrated professorial planning process that aligns with institutional and entity-level strategic priorities, resources and commitments. The Office’s principal aim is to contribute an essential part to the success of the University’s professors and to its attractiveness as a privileged place for pioneering research and mind-opening education.

Key responsibilities

  • Position planning and budgeting. Coordination of professorial position and succession planning with strategic and budgetary processes. Facilitation of collaboration between university leadership, faculties, interdisciplinary centres and university administration to align appointment processes with institutional and departmental recruitment strategies.
  • Faculty support. Support of current and future faculty through the full professorial life cycle, from recruitment and onboarding to guidance through evaluation and promotion, facilitation of professional development, scientific leaves, and assistance during the retirement phase.
  • Career paths. Implementation of university-wide promotion and career progression processes, and facilitation of individual tenure and promotion track evaluations. Delivery of targeted training and information sessions, along with informational materials for faculty, management, and external stakeholders.
  • Partner for Faculties and Centres. Counselling of academic entities for the definition of position profiles, best practices in professorial recruitment and for procedural matters related to appointments, evaluations, career development, retention and retirements.
  • Process development. Stewardship for appointment and promotion procedures, implementation of fair and coherent evaluation frameworks, and continuous development of recruitment and evaluation processes.
  • Data and evidence. Preparation of high-quality documentation on professorial recruitment and evaluation for strategic leadership decisions. Maintenance of reporting systems and dashboards.

Further information


  • Dr. Jan ZUTAVERN

    Dr. Jan ZUTAVERN

    Team Leader of Office of Professorial Affairs

  • Kerstin ROLLES

    Kerstin ROLLES




    Quality and Process Specialist

  • Dr. Cathia Pascale Fabienne RAUSCH

    Dr. Cathia Pascale Fabienne RAUSCH

    Quality and Process Specialist
