Procurement Office
The University of Luxembourg applies a purchasing policy aiming to optimise the balance between price, quality and satisfaction of the needs. Its central procurement office and tender administration team process the related expenses and procedures.
The Procurement Office defines and conducts the purchase policy of the University for all stakeholders of the University and its partners, according to following criteria:
Our open public tenders

- satisfaction of reasonable and justified needs;
- quality of the products and services;
- safeguard of the staff security;
- costs control;
- observance of ethics;
- observance of sustainable development and social inclusion.
As a public institution, the University must comply with public procurement legislation, the most fundamental of which is transparency, fair treatment of competitors, equal opportunities and the use of competition. Therefore, it refers to the public tender law (Loi des marchés publics) and the internal regulations (ROI-Règlement d’Ordre Intérieur) established within the institution.
The University has also its own Terms and Conditions of Purchase
For any questions, please contact
Team Leader of Procurement
Our allocated Public Tenders
Avis d’attribution TED
Avis d’attribution TED