
Serious games and workshops

Participants around a table working with cards.

The Fresks illustrate some of the most pressing environmental issues our world is facing today, and allow you to better understand the connection and impact of our actions. We decided to focus on four key aspects: mobility, climate, digital, and biodiversity. They are based on collective intelligence and scientific data from the reports by the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

What better way to learn about sustainability than by spending quality time with your friends and colleagues during a serious game or an interactive workshop. ​​​We believe that learning about social and environmental issues should be an enjoyable, collaborative and engaging experience. This is why we propose to organise with local associations these interactive workshops that combine education and fun.

Find out about sustainability and climate issues with our serious games and workshops!

The 2tonnes workshop encourages participants to collaboratively envision the future while trying to mitigate climate change, aiming to achieve a goal of 2 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions per person per year by 2050. Why 2 tonnes? This target aligns with the objectives of the Paris Agreement (2015), which seeks to cap the global temperature increase to below 2°C by the end of the century. To achieve this, we need to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions to 2 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per capita per year by 2050.

Beginner or expert, improve your knowledge on these issues and develop a systemic vision together with colleagues and students from our community.

  • Climate Fresk

    Reflect on the causes and consequences of climate change. Linking cause and effect and taking a global view of climate issues. Without making people feel guilty, and by sharing an understanding of the mechanisms at work, the Climate Fresk engages participants in a constructive exchange. By the end of the workshop, we are motivated and equipped to take action at our own level.

  • Digital Fresk

    Be informed about the actions that need to be put in place to move towards a more sustainable digital environment. Personal equipment, infrastructures, data centres … let’s discuss about the environmental challenges of digital technology.

  • Mobility Fresk

    Reconstruct the panorama of people’s mobility and its impact. Explore existing levers for action to reduce the carbon footprint of mobility. Exchange ideas with the participants so that we can make the most relevant ones their own and begin our transition to low-carbon mobility.

  • Biodiversity Fresk

    Understand the issues and pressures surrounding biodiversity, based on the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) report. Recreate an ecosystem and discover the impact of disturbance on it. Go and find what biodiversity is, what it contributes to and what degrades it.

  • 2 Tons Workshop

    The average Luxembourgish resident emits 12.8 tCO2e per year. To limit global temperature rise below 2 degrees Celsius by 2050, we must collectively reduce our emissions. Engage in productive debates, and have fun while expressing your opinions.