Continuing education

The University of Luxembourg is committed to transferring academic knowledge to the business community through lifelong learning. The aim is to contribute to economic, social and cultural development as well as full employment.
The role of the University of Luxembourg is to:
- Provide continuing education in the University’s areas of expertise from research-derived knowledge;
- Propose training attuned to the needs of society in Luxembourg and the Greater Region;
- Implement a quality assurance system for all lifelong learning courses.
Lifelong learning at the University of Luxembourg is intended for individuals, employees, job seekers and professionals, so that they can acquire a diploma or a new qualification, access higher education or complete a cultural training course. The University of Luxembourg also works with companies and organisations wishing to offer their staff career advancement opportunities.
As part of its contribution to economic and social development, the University of Luxembourg also offers vocational training in partnership with public institutions such as ministries
Third country national applicants: Anyone who is a national of a country other than the EU, EEA or Switzerland is considered as a third country national. Lifelong learning is a part-time programme, and under the Act of 29 August 2008 on the free movement of persons and immigration, students who are third country nationals cannot be admitted on a part-time basis. Only third country nationals who hold a residence permit for Luxembourg may submit an application.