Courses provided by the Language Centre
The Language Centre aims to enhance the multilingual skills of students by offering language and communication courses for academic, professional and general purposes. Some courses are integrated into study programmes, while others are open to all students registered at the University of Luxembourg.
The Language Centre allocates ECTS or credits for most of its courses. All courses are free of charge.
For students and doctoral candidates:
All courses listed below are open to bachelor, master and doctoral students registered at the University of Luxembourg except French and German A1 & A2 taught in Belval: these four courses are not open to doctoral candidates.
Course offer for Language centre, Semestre hiver (2024-2025 Winter)
- Course title: Deutsch B1 – Sprach-und Kulturbildung für die internationale Mobilität
- Number of ECTS: 3
- Course code: LC_CAT-235
- Module(s): Mobilité internationale / International Mobility / Auslandsmobilität
- Language: DE
- Mandatory: No
Coming soon -
Ziel dieses Kurses ist es, Sie sprachlich und kulturell auf einen gegenwärtigen oder zukünftigen akademischen Auslandsaufenthalt an einer deutsch- oder französischsprachigen Universität vorzubereiten. Dieser Kurs ist weder ein Sprech- noch ein Grammatikkurs. Die meisten Aufgaben simulieren praxisnahe Situationen, zu denen Verständnis- oder Produktionsaufgaben gestellt werden.
Course learning outcomes
Ziel des Kurses ist es, sich sprachlich zu verbessern und Kenntnisse über die Kultur und das Umfeld Ihres Gastlandes zu erlangen, damit Sie so richtig von Ihrem Auslandsaufenthalt profitieren können.Nach Abschluss dieses Kurses werden Sie in der Lage sein, für Ihren Auslandsaufenthalt notwendige Text- und Audiodokumente zu verstehen. Internetseiten mit wertvollen Informationen über Ihre Gaststadt und -universität zu nutzen. neues Vokabular aus den angebotenen Themenbereichen zu verwenden. administrative und akademische Texte zu verfassen. die Kultur Ihrer Gastuniversität und die Ihres Heimatlandes in einen Zusammenhang zu bringen. -
Dieser Kurs umfasst 3 Schwerpunkte. Im ersten Schwerpunkt führt der Student eine eigenständige Arbeit auf einem Moodle-basierten Lehrgang durch. Ein Minimum von 28 Aktivitäten muss online durchgeführt werden und muss reflexiv durch das Verfassen eines Logbuchs bearbeitet werden. Der zweite Teil besteht aus einer außerstudentischen Aktivität und 3 Tandem-Aktivitäten. Diese Tandem-Aktivitäten setzen voraus, dass der Lernende mit einer/einem Muttersprachlerin/Muttersprachler der Zielsprache zusammenarbeitet. Neben den Online-Aufgaben auf Moodle und den kommunikativen Aktivitäten werden Sie auch während des Semesters an dieser 6 Onlinesitzungen von jeweils 2,5 Stunden teilnehmen müssen.Die Aufgaben, mit denen Sie Ihre Fremdsprachenkenntnisse allein, im Tandem oder während den Sitzungen verbessern können, werden in der Zielsprache (d. h. entweder auf Deutsch oder auf Französisch) gestellt und stammen aus 5 Themenbereichen: 1 – Vorbereitung vor der Abfahrt; 2 – Vorbereitung nach der Ankunft; 3 – Vor Ort leben; 4 – Das Studium und 5 – Die Validierung. -
Dieser Kurs wird während des gesamten Semesters stetig und kontinuierlich bewertet und gibt bei Mindestens 10/20 Bewertung 3 ECTS. Die Abschlussnote beinhaltet:• aktive Teilnahme während der Sitzungen• Anwesenheit auf der Plattform mit schriftlichen Produktionen und 7 Aktivitäten zwischen jeder Sitzung, die abgeschlossen werden müssen• das Engagement für die Tandem- und „Outside the Walls“-Aktivitäten, die während des Kurses präsentiert werden• Regelmäßige Aktualisierung des Logbuchs
- Course title: Français B1 – Mobilité internationale : initiation linguistique et culturelle
- Number of ECTS: 3
- Course code: LC_CAT-234
- Module(s): Mobilité internationale / International Mobility / Auslandsmobilität
- Language: FR
- Mandatory: No
Coming soon -
Ce cours a pour but d’initier linguistiquement et culturellement à un échange universitaire, présent ou futur, dans une ville francophone.
Course learning outcomes
L’objectif de ce cours est de vous rendre plus performant.e linguistiquement et d’approfondir vos connaissances culturelles sur votre environnement d’échange afin de rendre votre mobilité plus efficace. Au terme de ce cours, vous serez capable de : comprendre des documents écrits et audio nécessaires à votre mobilité. naviguer et vous repérer sur des sites internet au sujet de votre ville/université d’accueil. faire appel au vocabulaire en lien avec les thématiques proposées. vous approprier les caractéristiques des documents administratifs et académiques. mettre en perspective la culture de votre université d’accueil et celle de votre pays d’origine. -
Ce cours a pour but d’initier linguistiquement et culturellement à un échange universitaire, présent ou futur, dans une ville francophone. Il comprend 3 volets. Dans le premier volet, l’étudiant réalise un travail en autonomie sur un parcours de formation Moodle. Un minimum de 28 activités doit être réalisé en ligne et doit faire l’objet d’un travail réflexif via la rédaction d’un journal de bord. Le deuxième volet implique une activité hors les murs et 3 activités tandems. Ces activités tandems impliquent un travail en collaboration avec un.e étudiant.e de la langue cible. Le troisième et dernier volet de ce cours demande la participation à 6 séances de cours en ligne. Que ce soit en autonomie, en tandem ou lors des séances de cours en ligne, la langue utilisée est la langue cible, à savoir le français. La langue cible se pratique autour de 5 thématiques : 1- Préparation avant le départ ; 2- Préparation à l’arrivée ; 3- Vivre sur place ; 4- Les études et 5- La validation (des études). -
Ce cours fait l’objet d’une évaluation continue tout au long du semestre et donne droit, en cas de note finale égale ou supérieure à 10/20, à 3 crédits ECTS. La note finale comprend : •la participation active durant les séances •l’assiduité sur la plateforme avec des productions écrites et 7 activités entre chaque séance à accomplir•l’engagement dans le tandem et activités « Hors les murs » à présenter pendant le cours•la mise à jour régulière du journal de bord -
- Course title: Deutsch B1 wissenschaftlich (Belval)
- Number of ECTS: 3
- Course code: LC_CAT-125
- Module(s): Academic language courses
- Language: DE
- Mandatory: No
Coming soon -
Im Kurs werden unterschiedliche Themen aus den Bereichen Alltag, Studium und Beruf behandelt und Hilfsmittel gegeben, um sich in diesen Situationen mündlich und schriftlich adäquater auszudrücken. Die Teilnehmer werden in Einzel-, Paar- und Gruppenarbeit alle vier Fertigkeiten (Hören, Sprechen, Lesen, Schreiben) trainieren und grammatikalische Strukturen erlernen, die auf diesem Niveau häufig Schwierigkeiten bereiten
Course learning outcomes
Am Ende des Kurses sollen die Teilnehmer in der Lage sein,- die Hauptinformationen eines geschriebenen oder gesprochenen Textes zu verstehen, wenn klare Standardsprache verwendet wird und es um vertraute Dinge aus Alltag und Beruf geht.- die meisten Situationen, denen man im Alltag im deutschsprachigen Raum begegnet, bewältigen zu können.- sich zusammenhängend über vertraute Themen und persönliche Interessengebiete äußern zu können.- über Erfahrungen und Ereignisse zu berichten und Träume, Hoffnungen und Ziele zu beschreiben sowie kurze Begründungen oder Erklärungen zu geben. -
Der Kurs richtet sich an Lerner mit dem Niveau B1, die ihren mündlichen und schriftlichen Ausdruck verbessern und ihre Grammatikkenntnisse vertiefen möchten. Am Ende des Kurses sollten die Teilnehmer das Niveau B1.2 erreicht haben -
Für einen erfolgreichen Abschluss ist die regelmäßige Teilnahme am Unterricht sowie die Abgabe mehrerer Hausarbeiten erforderlich. Der Kurs schließt mit einer Prüfung der erlernten Fertigkeiten ab.3 ECTS-Punkte (1 ECTS-Punkt für Teilnahme, 2 ECTS-Punkte für Hausaufgaben) -
BibliographieKoithan, Ute Aspekte neu B1 plus: Mittelstufe Deutsch. Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch. München: Klett
- Course title: Deutsch B2 wissenschaftlich (Belval)
- Number of ECTS: 3
- Course code: LC_CAT-222
- Module(s): Academic language courses
- Language: DE
- Mandatory: No
Coming soon -
Der Kurs richtet sich an
Studierende, die bereits Vorkenntnisse in Deutsch besitzen (Niveau 1) und
die ihren schriftlichen
und mündlichen
auf Niveau B2 verbessern und ihre Grammatikkenntnisse vertiefen möchten. -
Course learning outcomes
Am Ende des Kurses sollen die Teilnehmer in der Lage sein,
die Hauptinhalte komplexer Texte zu konkreten und abstrakten Themen zu verstehen.
Fachdiskussionen im eigenen Spezialgebiet zu verstehen.
sich zu einem breiten wissenschaftsbezogenenen Themenspektrum klar und detailliert auszudrücken, einen Standpunkt zu einer aktuellen Frage zu erläutern und die Vor- und Nachteile anzugeben. -
Im Kurs trainieren Sie den Umgang mit wissenschaftlichen Texten und Vorträgen, die Sie mündlich (in Form einer Präsentation) oder schriftlich zusammenfassen. Sie analysieren Textzusammenhänge und wiederholen die grammatischen Strukturen und den Wortschatz, die für die Wissenschaftssprache typisch sind. Darüber hinaus erarbeiten Sie Techniken, mit denen Sie Ihren Wortschatz erweitern können. -
Für einen erfolgreichen Abschluss ist die regelmäßige Teilnahme am Unterricht sowie die Abgabe mehrerer Hausarbeiten erforderlich. Der Kurs schließt mit einer Prüfung der erlernten Fertigkeiten ab.
Hausaufgaben) -
Bayerlein, Oliver (Hrsg.): Campus Deutsch. München: Hueber 2015
Esselborn-Krumbiegel, Helga: Richtig wissenschaftlich schreiben (5. Auflage). utb 2017
Gruber, Helmut, Huemer, Birgit, & Rheindorf, Markus: Wissenschaftliches Schreiben: Ein Praxisbuch für Studierende der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften. Wien: Böhlau 2009
- Course title: Deutsch C1 wissenschaftlich (Belval)
- Number of ECTS: 3
- Course code: LC_CAT-217
- Module(s): Academic language courses
- Language: DE
- Mandatory: No
Coming soon -
On site – Belval campus
Im Mittelpunkt des Kurses stehen das Lesen und Verfassen wissenschaftlicher Texte sowie das Üben von Präsentation und Diskussion im wissenschaftlichen Bereich. Ein besonderes Augenmerk liegt auf dem Umgang mit Deutsch als Wissenschaftssprache, u. a. Struktur und Aufbau wissenschaftlicher Texte, Schwierigkeiten mit wissenschaftlicher Lexik und Syntax, andere studienrelevante Problembereiche der deutschen Grammatik etc. -
Course learning outcomes
Ziel des Kurses ist die Erarbeitung effizienter Lesestrategien sowie ein sicherer Umgang mit wissenschaftlichen Textmerkmalen, Strukturen und Ausdrucksformen bei der Verfassung wissenschaftlicher Texte. -
On site – Belval campusIm Mittelpunkt des Kurses stehen das Lesen und Verfassen wissenschaftlicher Texte sowie das Üben von Präsentation und Diskussion im wissenschaftlichen Bereich. Ein besonderes Augenmerk liegt auf dem Umgang mit Deutsch als Wissenschaftssprache, u. a. Struktur und Aufbau wissenschaftlicher Texte, Schwierigkeiten mit wissenschaftlicher Lexik und Syntax, andere studienrelevante Problembereiche der deutschen Grammatik etc. -
Für einen erfolgreichen Abschluss ist die regelmäßige aktive Teilnahme am Unterricht sowie die Abgabe mehrerer kleiner Hausarbeiten erforderlich.
3 ECTS-Punkte(1 ECTS-Punkt für Teilnahme, 2 ECTS-Punkte für Hausaufgaben) -
Bayerlein, Oliver (2013): Campus Deutsch – Lesen. München: Hueber Verlag
Bayerlein, Oliver (2014): Campus Deutsch – Präsentieren und Diskutieren. München: Hueber Verlag
Bayerlein, Oliver (2015): Campus Deutsch – Hören und Mitschreiben. München: Hueber Verlag
Bayerlein, Oliver (2015): Campus Deutsch – Schreiben. München: Hueber Verlag
Esselborn-Krumbiegel, Helga (2010): Richtig wissenschaftlich schreiben. Paderborn: Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh
Gruber, Helmut, Huemer Brigit & Rheindorf, Markus (2009): Wissenschaftliches Schreiben: Ein Praxisbuch für Studierende der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften. Wien: Böhlau
Lange, Ulrike (2013): Fachtexte lesen – verstehen – wiedergeben. Paderborn: Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh
- Course title: English B2.1 academic (Mondays) – online course
- Number of ECTS: 3
- Course code: LC_CAT-241
- Module(s): Academic language courses
- Language: EN
- Mandatory: No
Coming soon -
This course aims to develop your academic writing, speaking, reading, and listening skills to a B2 CEFR (Common European Framework) level (upper intermediate).
Course learning outcomes
By the end of the 20-week course, you should be able to do the following at B2 level:•Write well-structured, coherent and cohesive essays and reports•Speak to present your opinions in well-structured oral presentations, participate in academic discussions and debates•Understand and critically evaluate academic texts and sources•Understand lectures, presentations and academic discussions•Use a wide range of academic vocabulary, grammatical structures and an appropriate academic register -
ONLINE COURSEYou will develop your academic vocabulary and grammar while improving your reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills within academic contexts such as essays, lectures, discussions, and oral presentations.This course is designed to reach the target level in 20 sessions spread over two semesters. You can take one semester only and get ECTS for that semester, but you will not have reached a B2 level. -
Note that you must attend at least 8 out of 10 sessions per semester and pass the course to be awarded credits.Per semester, your grade is composed of the following:•Assignments (50%): three written assignments and two oral assignments•Final test (50%) of all the five units covered (reading, listening, grammar and vocabulary) -
Required Textbook
Hewings, M. (2012). Cambridge Academic English, an integrated skills course for EAP. Upper Intermediate Student’s Book + audio CD and DVD. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0521165204
- Course title: English B2.1 academic (Tuesdays) – online course
- Number of ECTS: 3
- Course code: LC_CAT-251
- Module(s): Academic language courses
- Language: EN
- Mandatory: No
Coming soon -
Language DevelopmentObjective: Enhance students’ accuracy and diversity in grammatical and lexical usage for both written and spoken academic contexts.
Academic WritingObjective: Equip students with skills to craft different sections of academic texts.
Academic ReadingObjective: Enhance students’ abilities to engage with, understand and use an academic text effectively.
Academic ListeningObjective: Enable students to comprehend key features of lectures and extended talks.Academic SpeakingObjective: Enable students to participate in seminars and academic discussions. Prepare students to deliver a short oral presentation effectively. -
Course learning outcomes
Exhibit improved accuracy and variety in language use.
Organise ideas and write an essay outline. Write a coherent essay introduction and conclusion. Paraphrase and summarize information.Synthesise citations, evidence and explanation. Use cause-and-effect language to write an essay.
Read for main ideas and detail in a text. Summarise key information in a text. Identify language to compare and contrast in an academic text.Recognise fact and opinion.
Listen to identify key points in a lecture.Identify signposting language to navigate an academic discussion. Utilise note-taking skills to capture spoken ideas and information. Take part in an academic discussion. Summarise and report on a seminar discussion. Analyse and evaluate the structure of a presentation. Use signposting language to deliver a coherent presentation. -
This course aims to develop the language skills and communication skills of students in an academic context. It aims to provide students with the necessary tools, knowledge, literacies and confidence to thrive and achieve their potential in an English-speaking university setting. -
Note that you must attend at least 8 out of 10 sessions per semester and pass the course to be awarded credits.Per semester, your grade is composed of the following:•Assignments (50%): three written assignments and two oral assignments•Final test (50%) of all the units covered (reading, listening, grammar and vocabulary).
- Course title: English C1 academic (Mondays) – online course
- Number of ECTS: 3
- Course code: LC_CAT-252
- Module(s): Academic language courses
- Language: EN
- Mandatory: No
Coming soon -
Language DevelopmentObjective: Enhance students’ accuracy and diversity in grammatical and lexical usage for both written and spoken academic contexts.
Academic WritingObjective: Equip students with skills to craft effective academic texts.
Academic ReadingObjective: Enhance students’ abilities to critically assess various sources and use information to support or develop arguments.
Academic ListeningObjective: Enable students to comprehend lectures and extended talks, and actively participate in seminars and academic discussions.Academic SpeakingObjective: Enable students to participate effectively in seminars and academic discussions. Prepare students to deliver individual or group oral presentations effectively. -
Course learning outcomes
Exhibit improved accuracy and variety in language use.
Understand and implement coherent paragraph and text organization.Utilise a variety of writing functions and sentence structures accurately.Adhere to academic writing conventions.Paraphrase, summarize, and synthesise information.Write compelling introductions and conclusions for essays, theses and reports.
Use text organization knowledge to comprehend texts.Identify primary arguments and supporting ideas.Select pertinent information.Apply various reading, note-taking, and annotation techniques.Analyse texts to understand words and phrases that express the author’s perspective.
Use strategies to understand diverse spoken features and styles in real-time and recorded speech.Follow extended discourse in lectures and seminars.Utilise note-taking skills to capture spoken ideas and information.Speak with increased confidence and fluency.Communicate facts, concepts and arguments clearly.Use language to challenge, inquire, and respond in academic discussions and situations. Plan, research and deliver a presentation. -
This course aims to develop the language skills and communication skills of students in an academic context. It aims to provide students with the necessary tools, knowledge, literacies and confidence to thrive and achieve their potential in an English-speaking university setting. -
Note: you must attend at least 8 out of 10 sessions per semester and pass the course to be awarded credits.Per semester, your grade is composed of the following:•Assignments (50%): three written assignments and two oral assignments•Final test (50%) of all the units covered (reading, listening, grammar and vocabulary). -
There is no requirement for an academic textbook. The learning material will be provided on the Moodle platform.
- Course title: Let's talk über l'espace: Trilingual Course: (EN, DE, FR)
- Number of ECTS: 3
- Course code: UL_UNIVERSEH-17
- Module(s): Academic language courses
- Language: EN, FR, DE
- Mandatory: No
Coming soon -
The goal is “to enhance the learning of languages, so more young people are able “to speak at least two European languages in addition to their mother tongue.
The themes explored are all space-related (cooperation vs. space race, demographics of the space industry, space and sustainability, environmental aspects, innovation…).
Course learning outcomes
• Develop reading and listening comprehension skills as well as speaking/presentation skills in their two focus languages by one half level of the CEFR (Common European Framework of References for Languages). For example, a German student might choose to focus on French and English and in so doing could improve their French from level B1 to B 1.1 and their English from C 1.1 to C1.2.• Identify and explain the parallels that can exist between different languages in order to improve the participants’ language learning strategies and foster the emergence of a translanguaging awareness.• Acquire and use space-related vocabulary in an academic context.• Form an opinion upon how European values and space activities are working together.• Use the SDGs of the UN to evaluate space activities in three general areas. -
The language focus of this trilingual course will be decided at the beginning of the course and depends on the course participants. It will be co-taught by French and English native speakers, who are multilingual language teachers and fluent in German. We will include activities that develop the reading comprehension and speaking in particular. The topics we will explore are all space related (cooperation vs. space race, demographics of the space industry, space and sustainability, environmental aspects, innovation…). Participants will thus familiarise themselves with a transdisciplinary approach by dealing with themes that hardly ever appear within their respective curricula. Unlike a traditional language course, this course does not focus on the systematic acquisition of grammar but aims to highlight the parallels that can exist between different languages in order to improve the participants’ language learning strategies and foster the emergence of a translanguaging awareness. -
Portfolio that will be worked on from beginning until the end. -
Online asynchronous (6 sessions) -> learning resources are designed to be accessed at any time.Online synchronous (12 sessions) on Thursdays from 8.30 to 10.00.• Start date: 10/10/2024 | End date: 31/01/2025.—Contact:
- Course title: English C1 academic (Wednesdays) – online course
- Number of ECTS: 3
- Course code: LC_CAT-128
- Module(s): Academic language courses
- Language: EN
- Mandatory: No
Coming soon -
ONLINE COURSEThis course aims to develop your academic writing, speaking, reading and listening skills to a C1 (Common European Framework) level(advanced)..You will work on perfecting your understanding and mastery of academic English by developing your knowledge of advanced grammatical and lexical structures, awareness of register, and ability to write and speak in an academic context.This course is designed to reach the target level in 20 sessions spread over two semesters. You can take one semester only and get ECTS for that semester but you will not have reached a C1 level.
Course learning outcomes
Learning outcomes:By the end of the 20-week course, you should be able to do the following at C1 level:• Write texts using a wide range of structures and cohesive devices• Speak fluently in seminars and debates, as well as deliver presentations effectively• Understand complex academic texts• Understand lectures and discussions• Use a wide range of vocabulary and grammatical structures to express yourself clearly and preciselyThis course is designed to reach the target level in 20 sessions spread over two semesters. You can take one semester only and get ECTS for that semester but you will not have reached a C1 level. -
online courseYou will work on perfecting your understanding and mastery of academic English by developing your knowledge of advanced grammatical and lexical structures, awareness of register, and ability to write and speak in an academic context.This course is designed to reach the target level in 20 sessions spread over two semesters. You can take one semester only and get ECTS for that semester but you will not have reached a C1 level.Please note : max. 2 absences accepted -
Note that you must attend at least 8 out of 10 sessions per semester and pass the course tobe awarded credits.The assessment is subject to amendment, but currently per semester your grade is composed of the following:Midterm test (25%) of the units covered in the first 5 weeksAssignments (25%): three written assignments and one oral assignment.Final test (50%) at the end of the course. -
BibliographyHewings M. & Thaine, C. (2012). Cambridge Academic English: An integrated skills course for EAP, Advanced. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 9780521165211
- Course title: Français académique B1 (Belval)
- Number of ECTS: 3
- Course code: LC_CAT-182
- Module(s): Academic language courses
- Language: FR
- Mandatory: No
Coming soon -
L’objectif de ce cours est d’acquérir les connaissances suffisantes en français pour accéder au cours de niveau universitaire B2. Cette remise à niveau est faite grâce à : des exercices de compréhension orale, de compréhension écrite. À l’oral seront mis en place des jeux de rôles, des présentations et des débats. Nous élaborerons également des cartes mentales qui faciliteront l’acquisition du vocabulaire. Nous nous attarderons également sur la rédaction de différents genres de texte dont nous détaillerons la structure.
Toutes ces activités seront ludiques, répondront à des besoins concrets. Les modalités de travail seront variées : travail en grand groupe, en binômes, individuel afin de favoriser la collaboration entre pairs. Le contenu sera adapté selon les besoins du groupe, ainsi vous pourrez commencer le semestre suivant sur des bases solides. -
Course learning outcomes
A l’issue de ce cours vous serez capable de :
• lire des articles sur des questions contemporaines
• comprendre différents points de vue
• comprendre un texte littéraire contemporain
• écrire des textes clairs et détaillés sur des sujets relatifs à vos intérêts
• écrire un essai ou un rapport sur un sujet précis de manière concise, claire, et efficace
• exposer son argumentation
• mettre en valeur son opinion sur un événement ou une expérience
Ce cours a pour but de renforcer vos connaissances et vos pratiques en langue française, notamment à l’oral et à l’écrit afin de répondre aux exigences du cadre universitaire et de votre future carrière. Dans une perspective actionnelle, nous travaillerons sur des documents authentiques tels que des articles de presse ou des extraits vidéo. C’est à travers notre corpus que nous aborderons la grammaire et le vocabulaire, outils au service de vos besoins de communication. Vous déduirez les règles de grammaire à partir d’exemples concrets du corpus et les mettrez en pratique à travers plusieurs exercices ludiques.Le travail de production écrite sera décliné sous plusieurs formes : donner ses arguments sous la forme d’une liste d’idées la rédaction d’une réclamationune lettre officielleun résumé d’articleun article argumenté (2 pages maximum) sur un sujet de votre choix. -
25% : Notes des devoirs écrits rendus
50% : Compréhension écrite et rédaction d’un article (maximum 2 pages) après une séance de révision en cours.
25% : Participation orale en cours et la préparation des devoirs maison.
Un maximum de 2 absences est accepté. -
Édito B1, Éditions Didier, 2018 Grammaire essentielle du français, B1, Didier, 2015 Cosmopolite B1, Hachette, 2018
- Course title: Français académique B2 (Belval)
- Number of ECTS: 3
- Course code: LC_CAT-186
- Module(s): Academic language courses
- Language: FR
- Mandatory: No
Coming soon -
Cours en présentiel – campus Belval Ce cours a pour but de renforcer vos connaissances et vos pratiques en langue française, principalement écrite, afin d’enrichir vos productions d’écrits, non seulement dans le cadre de vos études ou de votre métier mais aussi dans les situations de communication avec d’autres personnes.
Course learning outcomes
A l’issue de ce cours, vous serez capable:De comprendre et de commenter un article sur une question d’actualité, un article informatif, un article d’opinion (éditorial), un article à visée humoristique… ;De comprendre des reportages, débats, émissions de radio, de télévision ou de sites Internet informatifs sur l’actualité, des sujets culturels et sociétaux.D’exprimer et défendre vos opinions, réagir aux arguments d’autrui ;De développer une argumentation précise et efficace à l’écrit et à l’oral ;Derédiger unesynthèse,unrésumé,unelettreformelle, un texte argumentatif -
Cours en présentiel – campus BelvalDans une première partie, nous évaluerons vos besoins et ferons quelques révisions de grammaire telles que :Utilisation du présent et du subjonctif, des temps du passéLes pronoms compléments, démonstratifs, interrogatifs, …Accord des participes passésExpression du temps : depuis, pendant, pour, il y a, …Utilisation de connecteurs logiques Puis nous approfondirons ces acquis et les enrichirons en travaillant principalement sur des documents authentiques issus de la presse. -
Le contrôle se fait en continu avec un test final. Les devoirs écrits sont obligatoires. La note finale sera calculée ainsi :La participation en classe 20%Les 2 devoirs écrits 30% (50% pour chaque devoir)L’évaluation de la compréhension orale 20%Le test final 30%Total 100%Les devoirs comprendront des exercices de grammaire, de compréhension orale et écrite et la rédaction d’un texte personnel. -
Bibliographie :AlterEgo,NiveauB2,EditionsHachette.Grammaire essentielle du français, Didier FLE
- Course title: Français académique C1 (Belval)
- Number of ECTS: 3
- Course code: LC_CAT-171
- Module(s): Academic language courses
- Language: FR
- Mandatory: No
Coming soon -
Cours en présentiel – BelvalCe cours a pour but de renforcer vos connaissances et vos pratiques écrites, afin de structurer et d’améliorer vos productions d’écrits, non seulement dans le cadre de vos études ou de votre métier y compris sur des sujets complexes.
Course learning outcomes
En présentiel, campus Belval———————————L’objectif de ce cours est d’acquérir les connaissances suffisantes en français de l’écrit pour accéder au cours d’un locuteur indépendant.A l’issue de ce cours vous serez capable de :• lire des articles de registres variés sur des questions contemporaines• comprendre un texte long y compris les parties difficiles• comprendre un texte littéraire contemporain• écrire des textes bien structurés clairs et détaillés sur n’importe quel sujet y compris complexe, approprié au lecteur visé, et dans un style personnel• écrire un essai ou une synthèse sur n’importe quel sujet y compris complexe, qu’il se rapporte ou non à son domaine• exposer son argumentation -
Cours en présentiel – campus BelvalA l’aide d’écrits de textes authentiques universitaires, issus des médias ou de la littérature contemporaine, nous aborderons les techniques d’analyse de texte, de résumé, d’argumentation/essai et de synthèse de l’écrit.Nous nous appuierons sur ces textes pour travailler également l’aspect formel de la langue (grammaire, conjugaison, lexique). Nous évaluerons au préalable vos besoins lors des premières séances et procéderons à quelques révisions. -
EvaluationL’évaluation sera constituée pour 50% d’un devoir de synthèse (à réaliser en binôme à la maison), pour 25% des notes des devoirs rendus et pour 25% de la participation en classe et de la préparation des devoirs maison. -
BibliographieCommuniquer à l’écrit, Clé international Documents DALF C1, C2Production écrite Niveau C1, C2 Edition Didier
- Course title: Academic writing workshop – MA SSES
- Number of ECTS: 3
- Course code: LC_CAT-201
- Module(s): Academic language courses
- Language: EN
- Mandatory: Yes
Coming soon -
Course learning outcomes
In the first semester, the course will focus on issues of academic language, i.e., how to use English properly in academic contexts. In particular, you will learn how to:
apply an appropriate academic style;
be sufficiently formal in how you express yourself;
write in a clear authorial voice;
use accurate and convincing language;
construct sentences according to readers’ expectations;
use academically suitable grammatical structures;
make your writing clear and transparent for your readers;
reduce wordiness, i.e., be concise and to the point;
adhere to citation conventions and the principles of academic honesty;
use appropriate tenses when citing and writing about research;
connect sentences and ideas properly to each other;
use signal words and phrases effectively;
enlarge your vocabulary and variety of sentence structures;
demonstrate lexical variety;
avoid typical pitfalls in grammar and expression; s
organize the review and editing process efficiently. -
As a researcher, you need not only compelling data and ideas, but also skills to communicate your research effectively through writing in English. Such academic writing follows its own conventions in terms of both the language used and the way texts are organized. Within your MA program, you are, therefore, offered this mandatory four-semester course that familiarizes you with what it means to produce a viable academic text.In this course, we will, on the one hand, discuss ways to effectively plan your writing and to successfully complete an assignment. On the other hand, we are going to analyze important strategies for developing powerful English sentences, paragraphs, and texts that meet the typical expectations of academic readers. We will focus on the types of assignments (of different lengths and formats) you are supposed to complete throughout the MA program, and we will eventually consider how to write your MA thesis in the final year.Overall, you will become more confident in writing about your own research and the work of others. For this purpose, you will be given the opportunity to improve assignments through drafting and redrafting stages and will receive regular feedback on your work. Furthermore, peer review will be integral to the course, with constructive criticism and collaborative critique taking place in a supportive environment. -
Participation, in-class tests, written assignment. -
Reading list:
ASA Style Guide,
Becker, Howard S. 2007. Writing for Social Scientists: How to Start and Finish Your Thesis, Book, or Article (Second Edition). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Becker, Howard S. 1998. Tricks of the Trade: How to Think about Your Research While You’re Doing It. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Booth, Wayne C., Gregory G. Colomb, and Joseph M. Williams. 2008. The Craft of Research (Third Edition). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Swales, John M. & Christine B. Feak. 2012. Academic Writing for Graduate Students. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
- Course title: Perfectionner son expression en français / Perfecting your expression in French (Belval)
- Number of ECTS: 3
- Course code: LC_CAT-69
- Module(s): Academic language courses
- Language: FR
- Mandatory: No
Coming soon -
Ce cours a pour but de renforcer vos connaissances et vos pratiques en langue française orale et écrite afin de faciliter vos prises de parole et vos productions d’écrits, pas seulement dans le cadre de vos études mais aussi dans les situations de communication avec d’autres personnes.
Course learning outcomes
CAMPUS BELVALDescription : Comment « parler », « lire » et « écrire » mieux et plus facilement en français ?D’abord en s’intéressant aux « sons » et en les mettant ensemble pour dire des mots mais aussi en étudiant les lettres et les groupes de lettres qui permettent d’écrire ces sons. Ensuite en mettant ces mots ensemble pour faire des phrases qui ont du sens.Parler et écrire, c’est s’adresser à autrui, parfois dans le but de le convaincre, de le conduire à adopter notre point de vue. Dans ce cas, il s’agit d’être capable d’argumenter. L’argumentation se pratique à l’oral mais également à l’écrit, ce qui est très utile pour vos études universitaires, lorsque vous devrez démontrer ce que vous affirmez.Enfin, parler, c’est aussi s’adresser à d’autres personnes, c’est-à-dire savoir comment parler et savoir utiliser telle ou telle manière de parler (« registres » courant, soutenu, familier) ; sans oublier que la langue ne sert pas seulement à communiquer mais qu’elle révèle aussi une manière de penser le monde et de se conduire dans le monde (pas de la même manière partout = interculturalité).Ce cours va vous familiariser avec ces différents aspects de l’oral et de l’écrit du français en vous proposant des activités qui vous permettront d’apprendre à :- poser votre voix,- oser prendre la parole (en particulier en public),- produire – à l’oral et à l’écrit – des mots, des énoncés et des phrases adaptées aux circonstances ; dans des situations d’interactions partagées,- argumenter en sachant utiliser les connecteurs logiques adaptés.Il vous amènera également à approfondir et affiner à la fois vos connaissances linguistiques et votre pratique de la langue française orale et écrite, par des écoutes et des visionnages répétés de séquences vidéo d’une part, par des lectures et des productions d’écrits d’autre part. Vous serez donc amenés à étudier aussi la langue écrite en lisant et en analysant des commentaires, des explications, des articles qui portent sur les séquences vidéo proposées.Ensemble, vous y pratiquerez des activités ludiques et informatives qui vous feront – « faire des liens » entre vos possibilités de communication courante en français et les pratiques de langue (orale et écrite) académiques, nécessaires à votre cursus (et/ou à votre vie personnelle et professionnelle) ;- progresser ainsi en langue française. -
Pour obtenir les 3 ECTS, l’évaluation repose sur 3 aspects (note totale sur 20) :- Participation active aux cours en présentiel (prises de parole, interactions orales avec l’enseignante et les pairs) (Note/5) ;- Rendu des devoirs écrits proposés dans les délais impartis (Note/10) ;- Devoir à faire sur place à l’avant-dernière session (portant sur une partie des notions étudiées) corrigé en commun à la dernière session (Note/5). -
BibliographieCerquiglini, B., Corbeil, J.-Cl., Klinkenberg, J.-M., Peeters, B. (Dirs.) (2000). Le français dans tous ses états, Paris, Flammarion.Riegel, M., Pellat, J.-C., Rioul, R. (2009). Grammaire méthodique du français, Paris, PUF. Conseil de l’Europe. (2010). Niveau B1 pour le français : un référentiel, Paris, Didier.Barthélémy, F., Groux, D., Porcher, L. (2011). Le français langue étrangère, paris, L’Harmattan. Porcher, L. (2014). Sur le bout de la langue : la didactique en blog, Paris, CLE International, Didier. Gadet, F., Ludwig, R. (2015). Le français au contact d’autres langues, Paris, Ophrys.Laroussi, F. et Penloup, M.-C. (Dirs) (2012). Identités langagières, Rouen, PURH
- Course title: Deutsch allgemein A1.1 (Belval)
- Number of ECTS: 3
- Course code: LC_CAT-255
- Module(s): General language courses
- Language: DE
- Mandatory: No
Coming soon -
Communication skills: The students will learn to understand simple written texts and engage in oral communication on topics such as buying goods and food, making appointments, hobbies and leisure activities, furniture and living arrangements, tourist attractions, and urban living.
Grammar: The students will learn regular and irregular verbs in the present and perfect tense, articles and nouns with gender and cases, modal verbs, interrogative and imperative forms, sentence structure, pronouns, prepositions, connectors, participles etc.
Course design: The objective is the continued acquisition of basic oral and written skills. Students will engage in speaking, listening, writing, and reading communicative activities through individual, pair, and group work. Additionally, students will be provided with links to interactive exercises, quizzes, and games as well as to tutorials and other informative tools. The course concludes with a language examination covering all four communicative activities. -
Course learning outcomes
By the end of this course, students should be able to:
Understand and provide information about themselves and general personal matters
Understand and give information about their leisure activities and making appointments
Understand and provide information about rooms, apartments, and furniture
Understand and provide information about clothes, fashion, and shopping
Understand and give information about attractions and towns in the German-speaking countries
Perform everyday linguistic actions Understand and write simple texts like emails or SMS messages.
The objective is the continued acquisition of basic oral and written skills. Students will engage in speaking, listening, writing, and reading communicative activities through individual, pair, and group work. Additionally, students will be provided with links to interactive exercises, quizzes, and games as well as to tutorials and other informative tools. The course concludes with a language examination covering all four communicative activities. -
Speaking, listening, writing and reading skills will be evaluated through task-based activities.Listening: Key information from listening texts (radio, TV, etc.) must be understood.Reading: Key information must be found in short reading texts, or questions about these texts must be answered Writing: Simple texts are to be summarized, and basic text production is required.Students will be evaluated on their active participation in the course, their regular homework (which may include grammar or vocabulary exercises), and their final test (both written and spoken). -
Attendance is mandatory
- Course title: Français général A1.1 (Belval)
- Number of ECTS: 3
- Course code: LC_CAT-257
- Module(s): General language courses
- Language: FR
- Mandatory: No
Coming soon -
Communicative skills in French:- introduce oneself, get in touch with someone and introduce someone (name, age, nationality, profession, spelling);- talk about one’s daily environment (address, e-mail, telephone number, talk about one’s family, hobbies);- ask and give news about someone;- know how to find your way: directions/give instructions;- know how to ask for information (orally and in writing);- ask for the time;- write a simple, short message or fill in simple registrations forms with your personal details
Course learning outcomes
After completing this course, you will be able to use familiar everyday expressions and basic phrases. You can introduce yourself and ask and answer questions about personal details. You can interact in a simple way, provided that the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help. -
This is a general French course, where written and oral comprehension, vocabulary, grammar and spelling are worked on, as well as written and oral expression in French. This course is designed for students with no prior knowledge of French.From the beginning of this course, you will start communicating in French. The covered topics include: greeting, introducing yourself, talking about yourself and your family, describing a city and a neighbourhood, talking about your hobbies and interests. The necessary grammar is explained and ample attention is paid to vocabulary. All skills are covered: speaking, writing, reading and listening. Attention is also paid to the cultural context of Luxembourg. -
Continuous assessment
Your final grade will be divided into:•attendance (compulsory) + participation in class: 20%,•2 tests based on oral and written comprehension: 30% •Final test: 50% -
Bonjour et bienvenue A1.1 – tout en français – Livre-cahier +
ISBN 978-2278110803
100% FLE – Grammaire essentielle du français A1 – livre +
- Course title: Deutsch allgemein A1.1 (Kirchberg)
- Number of ECTS: 3
- Course code: LC_CAT-93
- Module(s): General language courses
- Language: DE
- Mandatory: No
Coming soon -
Open to: Bachelor, Master & PhD candidates
Course learning outcomes
By the end of this course,students should be able to:understand and provide informationaboutthemselves and general private mattersunderstand and give information about their spare time activities and making appointmentsunderstand and provide information about rooms, apartments and furnitureunderstand and provide information about clothes and fashion and how to buy thingsunderstand and give information about attractions and towns in the German speaking countriesinteract in th everyday life like telling time, etc.understand and provide simple texts like e-mails or sms. -
This course starts with basic language skills. The course will be based on the manual DaF-KompaktA1 (Hueber)Communication skills : The students will learn to understand simple written texts and oral communication about presenting yourself, giving personal information, giving information about time and seasons, buying things and food,hobbies and spare time activities, making appointments, furniture and living, tourist attractions and urban living.Grammar: articles, verbs in the present, negation, modal verbs, irregular verbs in the present tense, possessive articles, sentence structure, etc. The course ends with a language examination in all four communicative activities on the level A1 GER. -
Speaking,listening,writing and reading skills will be evaluated in taskbased activitiesListening: key information from listening texts has to be understood(radio,TV…)Reading: key information to be found in(or answer questions to)a short reading text Writing: simple text to be summarized and simple text productionStudents will be evaluated on their active participation in the course, their regular homework and on their final test(written and spoken). -
Prerequisites : noneBibliography : Birgit A1(DeutschalsFremdsprache) Kurs-undÜbungsbuch+2Audio CDs .Klett. Stuttgart 2015.
- Course title: Français général A2.1 (Belval)
- Number of ECTS: 3
- Course code: LC_CAT-126
- Module(s): General language courses
- Language: FR
- Mandatory: No
Coming soon -
Cours en présentiel – campus BelvalCe cours a pour but de renforcer vos connaissances et vos pratiques en langue française, principalement écrite, afin d’enrichir vos productions d’écrits, non seulement dans le cadre de vos études ou de votre métier mais aussi dans les situations de communication avec d’autres personnes.
Course learning outcomes
A l’issue de ce cours vous serez capable de :• Demander et donner des informations sur des habitudes quotidiennes, un emploi du temps• Parler de vos goûts, de vos projets• Faire des suggestions et réagir à des propositions (acquiescer, accepter, s’excuser)• Donner une raison ; expliquer vos choix• Demander et donner des conseils• Parler de votre expérience professionnelle, de votre environnement de travail• Raconter des événements passés, un souvenir, une anecdote, une expérience. -
Dans une première partie, nous évaluerons vos besoins et ferons quelques révisions de grammaire telles que :Utilisation du présent, du présent progressif, du passé récent et du futur procheL’interrogation : qui, quoi, comment, est-ce que, quand, combien, …Conjugaison des verbes essentiels : faire, pouvoir, devoir, vouloir, savoir, connaître …Expression du temps : dans, depuis, il y aUtilisation des adjectifs possessifsLes lieux importants de la vie quotidiennela descriptionles directionsles professionsPuis nous approfondirons ces acquis et les enrichirons en travaillant principalement sur des documents authentiques issus de la vie quotidienne -
L’évaluation seferaainsi: Deux devoirs à la maison à rendre en semaine 4 et semaine 8 (coefficient 1)Un devoir en classe lors du dernier cours (coefficient 2)Lesdevoirscomprendrontdesexercicesdegrammaire, de vocabulaire et larédactiond’uncourttextepersonnel.La présence aux cours est obligatoire afin de valider les crédits ECTS attribués au cours de français général A2. Au-delà de trois absences, l’étudiant/étudiante ne peut plus valider le cours. -
BibliographieAlter Ego+, Niveau A1-A2, Editions Hachette Objectif Express 1 et 2, Editions HachetteGrammaire essentielle du français A2, 100% FLE, DidierFle
- Course title: Deutsch allgemein A2.1 (Kirchberg)
- Number of ECTS: 3
- Course code: LC_CAT-258
- Module(s): General language courses
- Language: DE
- Mandatory: No
Coming soon -
This course aims at developing language skills with a view to reaching level A2 in German (A2.1 in the winter term and A2.2 in the summer term).
Course learning outcomes
By the end of this course, students should be able to:•understandandprovideinformationaboutuniversity life, social life, family, profession, tourism and culture, sports, hobbies, and food, learning experiences, media and communication, travel, mobility and climate, as well as mobility and professional life;•understand and provide information about present, past, and future activities;•ask for help, express recommendations and suggestions as well as hope and surprise; talk about learning experiences and about habits; give examples, express various emotions, amongst which happiness, enthusiasm and disappointment, satisfaction and dissatisfaction as well as interest and disinterest; book rooms, give directions, talk about the weather, explain things, talk about everyday life situations and the various topics mentioned hereinabove;•give a short presentation about an everyday life-related topic;•compose basic texts -
Communication skills: understand written and oral texts about everyday life, and – to a certain extent – also about university life; speak about a variety of everyday topics and learn to cope linguistically with different kinds of everyday situations; write texts that are commonly met with in everyday communication.Grammar: perfect tense (regular and irregular verbs), imperfect tense, future tense, possessive pronouns, indefinite pronouns, prepositions, declination of adjectives, common conjunctions, reflexive verbs, temporal conjunctions, local prepositions, passive voice, phrase construction, dative and accusative objects, verbs with prepositions, past tense, question words, demonstrative pronouns, various subclauses, comparatives and superlatives, genitive, modal verbs, indirect questions, relative clause and relative pronouns.Course design: This is a blended learning course in which students train their linguistic skills in class as well as on an e-learning platform (Moodle). 1 ECTS is awarded for the work in class and 2 ECTS for teacher-guided autonomous learning at home, the latter amounting to approximately four hours per week. A reading project adapted to the students’ proficiency level will be integrated into the course. Students will also develop a writing portfolio with three short texts and give a short presentation about a university-related topic at the end ofthe semester. The course ends with a final test. -
•Continuous assessment (50% of the final grade):•Prepared oral presentation (15%)•Unprepared oral test (20%)•Reading comprehension test (15%)•Final test (50% of the final grade)•Grammar and vocabulary (20%)•Listening comprehension (15%)•Essay (15%) -
Funk, Hermann; Kuhn, Christina (2014): Studio 21 A2. Das Deutschbuch. Kursbuch. Berlin: Cornelsen Schulverlage GmbH.Kunkel, Melanie; Durst, Uwe (2023): Lern- und Übungsgrammatik Deutsch als Fremdsprache, 2. Auflage. Berlin: Duden Verlag
- Course title: Deutsch allgemein A2.1 (Belval)
- Number of ECTS: 3
- Course code: LC_CAT-239
- Module(s): General language courses
- Language: DE
- Mandatory: No
Coming soon -
This course aims to develop language skills in the objective to reach level A2 in German (A2.1 in the winter term and A2.2 in the summer term).Communication skills: understand written and oral texts about everyday life, and – to a certain extent – also about university life; speak about a variety of everyday topics and learn to cope linguistically with different kinds of everyday situations; write texts that are commonly met with in everyday communication.Grammar: perfect tense, possessive pronouns, prepositions, declination of adjectives, common conjunctions, reflexive verbs, temporal conjunctions, local prepositions, passive voice, phrase construction, dative and accusative objects, verbs with prepositions, past tense, demonstrative pronouns, relative clause and relative pronouns.
Course learning outcomes
By the end of this course, students should be able to:• understand and provide information about university life, family, profession, tourism and culture, sports and food, learning experiences, media and communication, travel and climate as well as mobility and professional life;• understand and provide information about past activities;• ask for help, express recommendations and suggestions as well as hope and surprise; talk about learning experiences and about habits; express happiness, enthusiasm and disappointment, satisfaction and dissatisfaction as well as interest and disinterest; book rooms, give directions, talk about the weather; explain things;• give a short presentation about topic related to university life;• compose basic texts and revise them with the support of the teacher -
This course aims to develop language skills in the objective to reach level A2 in German (A2.1 in the winter term and A2.2 in the summer term).Communication skills: understand written and oral texts about everyday life, and – to a certain extent – also about university life; speak about a variety of everyday topics and learn to cope linguistically with different kinds of everyday situations; write texts that are commonly met with in everyday communication.Grammar: perfect tense, possessive pronouns, prepositions, declination of adjectives, common conjunctions, reflexive verbs, temporal conjunctions, local prepositions, passive voice, phrase construction, dative and accusative objects, verbs with prepositions, past tense, demonstrative pronouns, relative clause and relative pronouns. -
Grading• Continuous assessment (40% of the final grade):• 1 writing portfolio with three texts (10%). The revised versions of the texts will be graded.• 1 short presentation (2-3 minutes) about a university-related topic (10%)• Online tasks: grammar, vocabulary, writing etc. (10%)At least 50% of the tasks need to be completed in order to get the full score.• A reading project with online tasks (10%)At least 50% of the tasks need to be completed in order to get the full score.• Final test (60% of the final grade) -
BibliographyHabersack, Charlotte (2013): Menschen A2. Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Kursbuch. Ismaning: Hueber.Breitsameter, Anna (2013): Menschen A2. Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Arbeitsbuch. Ismaning: Hueber.Page 2 of 2Winter term: Dittrich, Roland (2016): Die Skorpion-Frau: Liebe und Tod in Heidelberg. Berlin: CornelsenWinter term: Dittrich, Roland (2016): Die Skorpion-Frau: Liebe und Tod in Heidelberg. Berlin: Cornelsen.Summer term: Dittrich, Roland (2011): Leise kommt der Tod. Berlin: Cornelsen
- Course title: Français général A1.1 (Kirchberg)
- Number of ECTS: 3
- Course code: LC_CAT-237
- Module(s): General language courses
- Language: FR
- Mandatory: No
Coming soon -
This course aims to develop basic language skills in the objective for full beginners to reach an A1 level (A1.1 in winter term and A1.2 in summer term). Students are involved in speech acts in interaction, listening authentic & training writing and reading communicative activities in individual and group work. Phonetics lessons will help students improve their pronunciation, as well as their understanding. Integrated and explicit grammar will support communicative skills.
Course learning outcomes
By the end of the course, students will be expected to:Be able to recognize and identify basic parts of a speech.Understand and use familiar everyday expressions and basic phrases in French aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type.Introduce people (oneself and others); ask and answer questions about personal details such as where one lives, people one knows and things one has.Interact in a simple way if the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.Be able to interact with people in the close environment in the University and the City -
The beginner’s French course enables the candidate to interact in a simple way, answer simple questions using individual words, expressions or short sentences. The candidate can express common feelings, tell the size and name the color of familiar objects, can also ask others about these qualities. The candidate can participate in short telephonic conversations, ask straightforward questions in familiar situations (e.g. asking the location of a place and price of an item, asking for time etc.) and understand the responses, can exchange information about everyday matters using simple vocabulary (e.g. weekend activities, hobbies and other interests, shopping etc.). The candidate can ask for assistance with vocabulary and clarification of tasks, recognize isolated vocabulary from specific subject areas. The candidate can understand words and expressions on signs when everyday language is used (e.g. ‘Open/Closed’, ‘Exit’etc.). He/She is equally able to adequately understand straight forward forms in order to insert personal information, recognize important information on basic promotional material (price, date, and time on posters) and to recognize, speak and write short messages and greetings. The candidate will be able to write very simple informal messages, short messages like post cards and birthday greetings and write simple descriptions of everyday objects. The candidate is able to indicate personal strengths and weaknesses, describe basic aspects of their day-to-day life and to talk about briefly about familiar topics. -
The evaluation consists in various tasks:A continuous assessment dealing with questions/role playing in class (oral participation) will count for 20 % of final course mark.3 assignments will stand for 30 % of final course mark (oral presentation; writing paper about a person and an object; understanding an advertisement).A final test (listening, writing and reading) will take place at the end of the semester. It counts for 50 per cent of the final mark. -
BibliographyReference book (to provide) Bonjour et bienvenue ! Introduction à la langue française, Didier, 2019 (book + CD).Indicative Price: 11,50€Reference manual (optional)Français pour étrangers, 150 activités ludiques, Nathan, 2019
- Course title: Français général A2.1 (Kirchberg)
- Number of ECTS: 3
- Course code: LC_CAT-236
- Module(s): General language courses
- Language:
- Mandatory: No
Coming soon -
L’objectif de ce cours est d’acquérir les connaissances suffisantes en français pour accéder au cours de français général niveau B1. Cette remise à niveau est faite grâce à : de nombreux exercices de grammaire et de vocabulaire, des jeux de rôles et des situations de communication de la vie réelle.
Course learning outcomes
À l’issue de ce cours vous serez capable de :•Donner une explication simple •Parler de vos goûts, de vos projets •Fixer, accepter/refuser un rendez-vous•Parler de votre expérience universitaire et professionnelle•Établir des comparaisons •Demander et donner des conseils•Raconter une expérience passée -
Ce cours a pour but de renforcer vos connaissances et vos pratiques en langue française, principalement écrite, afin d’enrichir vos productions d’écrits, non seulement dans le cadre de vos études ou de votre métier mais aussi dans les situations de communication avec d’autres personnes. Les premières heures se concentreront sur la révision des points de grammaire essentiels notamment :- Le présent de l’indicatif – Le futur proche – Le passé composé – La forme interrogative Nous approfondirons ces acquis et aborderons : – Les pronoms relatifs simples- La négation – Les pronoms Y/EN – La place de l’adjectif – La comparaisonAu-delà de l’aspect grammatical, nous aborderons la langue française à travers l’étude de documents authentiques issus de la vie quotidienne. -
L’évaluation se
50 % : Notes des devoirs écrits rendus (deux devoirs composés d’une production orale et écrite)
50 % : Participation orale en cours et préparation des devoirs maison.
La présence aux cours est obligatoire afin de valider les crédits ECTS attribués au cours de français général A2. Au-delà de deux absences, l’étudiant/étudiante ne peut plus valider le cours. -
Édito A1, Éditions Didier
Édito A2, ÉditionsDidier
Objectif express A1/A2
Grammaire essentielle du français A2, 100 % FLE, DidierFle
- Course title: Portugais niveau débutant A1 / Portuguese for beginners A1 (Belval)
- Number of ECTS: 3
- Course code: LC_CAT-122
- Module(s): General language courses
- Language: AU
- Mandatory: No
Coming soon -
On site – Belval Campus
This course aims at giving total beginners in Portuguese, keys to phonetics and the basicvocabulary of the Portuguese language. Oral communication is particularly targeted.Students are involved in speaking, listening, writing and reading communicativeactivities in individual and/or pair and/or group work. When the students have a certainmastery of every day vocabulary and of the verbal system, the main aspects of grammarwill be studied. -
Course learning outcomes
By the end of this course, students should be able to: manage to take part in simple, short conversation introduce themselves greet people provide personal information about themselve provide spatial information describe places ask for information make appointments and talk about their daily routine and leisure activities; ask for or order something in a hotel or restaurant express preference understand simple written texts and briefly summarize them Express themselves in a very simple way in everyday conversation invite/ accept /refuse write a letter learn the basic grammatical structures of the Portuguese language. -
On site – Belval CampusThis course combines speaking, writing, reading and listening skills for generalpurposes. It is orientated for academically trained learners who are willing to learn (a)foreign language(s) and acquire basic command of the Portuguese language.It aims at developing the linguistic abilities of the A1 level of the commonEuropean Reference Setting for languages.Teaching language: Portuguese/French (with recourse to English when needed) -
Evaluation Speaking, listening, writing and reading skills shall be evaluated in task basedactivities; Oral interaction in the class Listening: key information from listening texts must beunderstood (Advertisements, dialogues, etc.); answering multiple choicequestions; answering right/wrong questions; completing sentences; Reading: key information in a short reading must be detected; Speaking: daily routines, introducing oneself, meeting new people; dialogues,etc Writing: basic “texts” or sequence of sentences should be summarized.Students will be evaluated, in accordance to their active participation in the course, ontheir regular homework (which also consists of grammar and/or vocabularyexercises/drills) and on their final presentation and test (both written and spoken). -
Bibliography Tavares, Ana, Português XXI, Livro do Aluno 1; ( Nível A1) Lidel, 2014. Coimbra, Isabel e Mata Coimbra, Olga, Gramática Ativa 1, Lidel, 2014.
- Course title: Portugais A2 / Portuguese A2 (Belval)
- Number of ECTS: 3
- Course code: LC_CAT-172
- Module(s): General language courses
- Language: AU
- Mandatory: No
Coming soon -
• Solicitar e fornecer informações sobre hábitos diários;
• Fale sobre os seus gostos, os seus projetos;• Fazer sugestões e reagir a propostas (aceitar, declinar, pedir desculpas);• Dar uma razão, explicar, justificar as suas escolhas;• Pedir e dar conselhos;• Falar sobre a sua experiência profissional, o seu ambiente de trabalho;• Contar, narrar eventos passados, uma memória, uma anedota, uma experiência. -
Na metodologia utilizada presta-se uma atenção constante ao processo de comunicação oral e à abordagem comparativa entre a língua portuguesa e francesa para a aprendizagem da gramática. Estas aulas de “Língua portuguesa -nível A2” pretendem desenvolver as competências linguísticas do nível A2 do Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para as Línguas -
Praticando uma avaliação formativa, os alunos devem entregar ou enviar à professora (por e-mail ou através da Plataforma Moodle) todo o tipo de trabalhos escritos para correção, desde exercícios gramaticais, pequenas fichas de leitura e todo o tipo de trabalhos realizados em autonomia, além dos exercícios de redação solicitados pela professora.- Interação oral na aula – 25% – A avaliação da compreensão oral é efectuada a partir da audição de documentos em português (registos áudio) com resposta a questionários de escolha múltipla, exercícios de Verdadeiro e Fal- so, frases para completar. A avaliação da expressão oral é efectuada a partir de apresentação de curtos diálogos entre pares.- Teste intermédio – 25%- Exame final (escrito) – 50% -
BibliografiaBESCHERELLE, Les verbes portugais et brésiliens, ed. Hatier, Paris, 1997. BLUM, Geneviève. Les Idiomatics Français–Portugais / Português-Francês,ed. Seuil, Paris, 1990.CARREIRA, Maria Helena & Boudoy, Maryvonne, Pratique du portugais de A à Z, Paris, Hatier, 2009.COIMBRA, Ana Mata; COIMBRA, Isabel, Gramática Activa 1, 2.a ed., Lisboa, Lidel, 2000.TAVARES, Ana, Português XXI – Nível 2 (A2), Lidel, 2012.
- Course title: Portugais niveau B1 / Portuguese B1 (Belval)
- Number of ECTS: 3
- Course code: LC_CAT-123
- Module(s): General language courses
- Language: AU
- Mandatory: No
Coming soon -
Cours en présentiel – campus Belval
Course learning outcomes
Les étudiants seront amenés à :
Intervenir dans une conversation dans une situation informelle, sur leurs expériencespersonnelles, leurs intérêts, les événements actuels, en exprimant des opinions et dessentiments ; Interagir dans des situations courantes dans les services, banques, bureaux de poste,etc. ; Pouvoir s’exprimer aisément et spontanément sur des sujets spécifiques : vieprofessionnelle, vie sociale, vie culturelle, loisirs, etc; Écrire des messages à une institution, par exemple, pour réserver une location, serenseigner sur un cours ; Écrire des lettres dans un cadre professionnel ; Préparer une brève note de réunion ; Préparer un résumé de cours ; Donner des informations, à l’oral et à l’écrit, sur les affaires courantes; -
Ce cours a pour but de renforcer les connaissances et les pratiques en langue portugaise, au niveaude l’expression écrite et de l’expression orale afin d’enrichir vos productions communicatives, nonseulement dans le cadre de vos études ou de votre métier mais aussi dans les situations decommunication avec d’autres personnes -
L’évaluation se fait en cours de formation, à travers l’interaction orale en cours, la réalisation destravaux par les étudiants rendus et/ou envoyés (par email) à l’enseignant pour correction (synthèses,résumés, rédactions, exercices de grammaire, fiches de lecture, etc) ;L’évaluation de la compréhension orale est effectuée à partir de l’audition de documents enportugais (enregistrements audio) ;Lors de l’avant-dernière session, l’évaluation finale aura lieu sous la forme d’un examen écrit avecdes exercices de compréhension écrite, production écrite (rédaction) et grammaire. -
CASTALEIRO, João Malaca, Aprender Português 2, Textos Editores, Lisboa, 2014.COIMBRA, Ana Mata; COIMBRA, Isabel, Gramática Activa 1, Lisboa, Lidel, 2014.TAVARES, Ana, Português XXI – Nível 3 (B1), Lidel, 2012.
Course offer for Semestre Eté (2024-2025 Summer)
- Course title: Let's talk über l'espace: Trilingual Course: (EN, DE, FR)
- Number of ECTS: 3
- Course code: UL_UNIVERSEH-40
- Module(s): Academic/professional courses
- Language: EN, FR, DE
- Mandatory: No
Coming soon -
The goal is “to enhance the learning of languages, so more young people are able “to speak at least two European languages in addition to their mother tongue.The themes explored are all space-related (cooperation vs. space race, demographics of the space industry, space and sustainability, environmental aspects, innovation…).
Course learning outcomes
• Develop reading and listening comprehension skills as well as speaking/presentation skills in their two focus languages by one half level of the CEFR (Common European Framework of References for Languages). For example, a German student might choose to focus on French and English and in so doing could improve their French from level B1 to B 1.1 and their English from C 1.1 to C1.2.• Identify and explain the parallels that can exist between different languages in order to improve the participants’ language learning strategies and foster the emergence of a translanguaging awareness.• Acquire and use space-related vocabulary in an academic context.• Form an opinion upon how European values and space activities are working together.• Use the SDGs of the UN to evaluate space activities in three general areas. -
Start date: 04.2025 | End date: 07.2025 The language focus of this trilingual course will be decided at the beginning of the course and depends on the course participants. It will be co-taught by French and English native speakers, who are multilingual language teachers and fluent in German. We will include activities that develop the reading comprehension and speaking in particular. The topics we will explore are all space related (cooperation vs. space race, demographics of the space industry, space and sustainability, environmental aspects, innovation…). Participants will thus familiarise themselves with a transdisciplinary approach by dealing with themes that hardly ever appear within their respective curricula. Unlike a traditional language course, this course does not focus on the systematic acquisition of grammar but aims to highlight the parallels that can exist between different languages in order to improve the participants’ language learning strategies and foster the emergence of a translanguaging awareness. -
Portfolio that will be worked on from beginning until the end -
Start date: 04.2025 | End date: 07.2025 Online asynchronous (6 sessions) -> learning resources are designed to be accessed at any time.Online synchronous (12 sessions) on Thursdays from 16h30 to 18h—Contact:
- Course title: Deutsch B1.2 wissenschaftlich (Belval)
- Number of ECTS: 3
- Course code: LC_CAT-151
- Module(s): Academic/professional courses
- Language: DE
- Mandatory: No
Coming soon -
Im Kurs werden unterschiedliche Themen aus den Bereichen Alltag, Studium und Beruf behandelt und Hilfsmittel gegeben, um sich in diesen Situationen mündlich und schriftlich adäquater auszudrücken. Die Teilnehmer werden in Einzel-, Paar- und Gruppenarbeit alle vier Fertigkeiten (Hören, Sprechen, Lesen, Schreiben) trainieren und grammatikalische Strukturen erlernen, die auf diesem Niveau häufig Schwierigkeiten bereiten.
Course learning outcomes
Am Ende des Kurses sollen die Teilnehmer in der Lage sein,- die Hauptinformationen eines geschriebenen oder gesprochenen Textes zu verstehen, wenn klare Standardsprache verwendet wird und es um vertraute Dinge aus Alltag und Beruf geht.- die meisten Situationen, denen man im Alltag im deutschsprachigen Raum begegnet, bewältigen zu können.- sich zusammenhängend über vertraute Themen und persönliche Interessengebiete äußern zu können.- über Erfahrungen und Ereignisse zu berichten und Träume, Hoffnungen und Ziele zu beschreiben sowie kurze Begründungen oder Erklärungen zu geben. -
Der Kurs richtet sich an Lerner mit dem Niveau B1, die ihren mündlichen und schriftlichen Ausdruck verbessern und ihre Grammatikkenntnisse vertiefen möchten. Am Ende des Kurses sollten die Teilnehmer das Niveau B1.2 erreicht haben. -
Für einen erfolgreichen Abschluss ist die regelmäßige Teilnahme am Unterricht sowie die Abgabe mehrerer Hausarbeiten erforderlich. Der Kurs schließt mit einer Prüfung der erlernten Fertigkeiten ab.3 ECTS-Punkte (1 ECTS-Punkt für Teilnahme, 2 ECTS-Punkte für Hausaufgaben) -
BibliographieKoithan, Ute Aspekte neu B1 plus: Mittelstufe Deutsch. Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch. München: Klett 2014.
- Course title: Deutsch B2 Schreibwerkstatt (Belval)
- Number of ECTS: 3
- Course code: LC_CAT-209
- Module(s): Academic/professional courses
- Language: DE
- Mandatory: No
Coming soon -
Die Studierenden lernen, wie man wissenschaftliche Texte auf Deutsch strukturiert und schreibt.
Course learning outcomes
Am Ende des Seminars können Studierende einfacheakademische Texte (z.B.wissenschaftssprachliche Zusammenfassungen und Argumentationen)auf Deutsch verstehen und verfassen. Außerdem beherrschen sie am Ende des Kursesdie Verwendung der eigenen Stimme in deutschsprachigen wissenschaftlichen Texten und können einen Text kohärent gestalten -
In diesem Kurs werden die Schreibfertigkeiten für akademische Texte auf Deutsch durch eine Kombination aus Lehrer-Input, Schreibübungen, Peer-Feedback und Diskussion trainiert. Der Kurs wird auf Deutsch (B2-Niveau) unterrichtet und bietet Schreibunterstützung für Studierende, die mit dem Lesen und Schreiben akademischer Texte auf Deutsch weniger vertraut sind. Übungen und Videos werden im Unterricht und auf Moodle zur Verfügung gestellt. -
Die Studierenden müssen zwei kurze akademische Texte (je 800 Wörter) schreiben und die auf Moodle bereitgestellten Aufgaben bearbeiten.
- Course title: English B2.2 academic – Carly Crane (online course)
- Number of ECTS: 3
- Course code: LC_CAT-204
- Module(s): Academic/professional courses
- Language: EN
- Mandatory: No
Coming soon -
This course will be taught online via Webex –
The course aims to develop your academic writing, speaking, reading and listening skills to a B2 CEFR (Common European Framework) level (upper intermediate).
This course is designed to reach the target level in 20 sessions spread over two semesters. You can take one semester only and get ECTS for that semester but you will not have reached a B2 level. -
Course learning outcomes
ONLINE COURSE (via Webex) –
This course is designed to reach the target level in 20 sessions spread over two semesters. You can take one semester only and get ECTS for that semester but you will not have reached a B2 level.
By the end of the 20-week course, you should be able to do the following at B2 level:
Write well-structured, coherent and cohesive essays and reports
Speak to present your opinions in well-structured oral presentations, participate in academic discussions and debates
Understand and critically evaluate academic texts and sources
Understand lectures, presentations and academic discussions
Use a wide range of academic vocabulary, grammatical structures and an appropriate academic register -
ONLINE COURSE (via Webex) – This course aims to develop your academic writing, speaking, reading and listening skills to a B2 CEFR (Common European Framework) level (upper intermediate).This course is designed to reach the target level in 20 sessions spread over two semesters. You can take one semester only and get ECTS for that semester but you will not have reached a B2 level. -
Note that you must attend at least 8 out of 10 sessions per semester and pass the course to be awarded credits.
Per semester, your grade is composed of the following:
Assignments (50%): three written assignments and two oral assignments
Final test (50%) of all the five units covered (reading, listening, grammar and vocabulary). -
Required Textbook
Hewings, M. (2012). Cambridge Academic English, an integrated skills course for EAP. Upper Intermediate Student’s Book + audio CD and DVD. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0521165204
- Course title: English B2.2 academic – Gareth Jones (online course)
- Number of ECTS: 3
- Course code: LC_CAT-261
- Module(s): Academic/professional courses
- Language: EN
- Mandatory: No
Coming soon -
Language Development Objective: Enhance students’ accuracy and diversity in grammatical and lexical usage for both written and spoken academic contexts.Academic Writing Objective: Equip students with skills to craft different sections of academic texts.Academic Reading Objective: Enhance students’ abilities to engage with, understand and use an academic text effectively.Academic Listening Objective: Enable students to comprehend key features of lectures and extended talks.Academic SpeakingObjective: Enable students to participate in seminars and academic discussions. Prepare students to deliver a short oral presentation effectively.
Course learning outcomes
Exhibit improved accuracy and variety in language use.Organise ideas and write an essay outline. Write a coherent essay introduction and conclusion. Paraphrase and summarize information. Synthesise citations, evidence and explanation. Use cause-and-effect language to write an essay. Read for main ideas and detail in a text. Summarise key information in a text. Identify language to compare and contrast in an academic text. Recognise fact and opinion.Listen to identify key points in a lecture.Identify signposting language to navigate an academic discussion. Utilise note-taking skills to capture spoken ideas and information. Take part in an academic discussion. Summarise and report on a seminar discussion. Analyse and evaluate the structure of a presentation. Use signposting language to deliver a coherent presentation. -
This course aims to develop the language skills and communication skills of students in an academic context. It aims to provide students with the necessary tools, knowledge, literacies and confidence to thrive and achieve their potential in an English-speaking university setting. -
Note that you must attend at least 8 out of 10 sessions per semester and pass the course to be awarded credits.Per semester, your grade is composed of the following:•Assignments (50%): three written assignments and two oral assignments•Final test (50%) of all the units covered (reading, listening, grammar and vocabulary).
- Course title: English C1.2 academic – Gareth Jones (online course)
- Number of ECTS: 3
- Course code: LC_CAT-262
- Module(s): Academic/professional courses
- Language: EN
- Mandatory: No
Coming soon -
Language Development Objective: Enhance students’ accuracy and diversity in grammatical and lexical usage for both written and spoken academic contexts.Academic Writing Objective: Equip students with skills to craft effective academic texts.Academic Reading Objective: Enhance students’ abilities to critically assess various sources and use information to support or develop arguments.Academic Listening Objective: Enable students to comprehend lectures and extended talks, and actively participate in seminars and academic discussions.Academic SpeakingObjective: Enable students to participate effectively in seminars and academic discussions. Prepare students to deliver individual or group oral presentations effectively.
Course learning outcomes
Exhibit improved accuracy and variety in language use.Understand and implement coherent paragraph and text organization. Utilise a variety of writing functions and sentence structures accurately. Adhere to academic writing conventions. Paraphrase, summarize, and synthesise information. Write compelling introductions and conclusions for essays, theses and reports.Use text organization knowledge to comprehend texts. Identify primary arguments and supporting ideas. Select pertinent information. Apply various reading, note-taking, and annotation techniques. Analyse texts to understand words and phrases that express the author’s perspective.Use strategies to understand diverse spoken features and styles in real-time and recorded speech. Follow extended discourse in lectures and seminars. Utilise note-taking skills to capture spoken ideas and information.Speak with increased confidence and fluency.Communicate facts, concepts and arguments clearly.Use language to challenge, inquire, and respond in academic discussions and situations. Plan, research and deliver a presentation. -
This course aims to develop the language skills and communication skills of students in an academic context. It aims to provide students with the necessary tools, knowledge, literacies and confidence to thrive and achieve their potential in an English-speaking university setting. -
Note: you must attend at least 8 out of 10 sessions per semester and pass the course to be awarded credits.Per semester, your grade is composed of the following:•Assignments (50%): three written assignments and two oral assignments•Final test (50%) of all the units covered (reading, listening, grammar and vocabulary). -
There is no requirement for an academic textbook. The learning material will be provided on the Moodle platform.
- Course title: English C1.2 academic – Paul Higgins (online course)
- Number of ECTS: 3
- Course code: LC_CAT-143
- Module(s): Academic/professional courses
- Language: EN
- Mandatory: No
Coming soon -
You will work on perfecting your understanding and mastery of academic English by developing your knowledge of advanced grammatical and lexical structures, awareness of register, and ability to write and speak in an academic context.This course is designed to reach the target level in 20 sessions spread over two semesters. You can take one semester only and get ECTS for that semester but you will not have reached a C1 level.
Course learning outcomes
Learning outcomesBy the end the 20-week course, you should be able to do the following at C1 level:• Write texts using a wide range of structures and cohesive devices• Speak fluently in seminars and debates, as well as deliver presentations effectively• Understand complex academic texts• Understand lectures and discussions• Use a wide range of vocabulary and grammatical structures to express yourself clearly and precisely -
This course aims to develop your academic writing, speaking, reading and listening skills to a C1 (Common European Framework) level (advanced). It is designed to reach the target level in 20 sessions spread over two semesters. You can take one semester only and get ECTS for that semester but you will not have reached a C1 level -
Note that you must attend at least 8 out of 10 sessions per semester and pass the course to be awarded credits.Per semester, your grade is composed of the following:• Midterm test (25%) of the units covered in the first 5 weeks• Assignments (25%): three written assignments and one oral assignment• Final test (50%) of the units covered in weeks 6 to 9 for those who passed the midterm test -
BibliographyHewings M. & Thaine, C. (2012). Cambridge Academic English: An integrated skills course for EAP, Advanced. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 9780521165211
- Course title: Français académique B1.2 – Academic French B1.2 (BELVAL)
- Number of ECTS: 3
- Course code: LC_CAT-140
- Module(s): Academic/professional courses
- Language: FR
- Mandatory: No
Coming soon -
L’objectif de ce cours est d’acquérir les connaissances suffisantes en français pour accéder au cours de niveau universitaire B2. Cette remise à niveau est faite grâce à : de nombreux exercices de grammaire, de syntaxe et de vocabulaire ; ainsi qu’à la rédaction de textes de différents genres en groupe et par une approche ludique. Le contenu sera adapté selon les besoins du groupe, ainsi vous pourrez commencer le semestre suivant sur des bases solides.
Course learning outcomes
A l’issue de ce cours vous serez capable de :
lire des articles sur des questions contemporaines
comprendre différents points de vue
comprendre un texte littéraire contemporain
écrire des textes clairs et détaillés sur des sujets relatifs à vos intérêts
écrire un essai ou un rapport sur un sujet précis de manière concise, claire, et efficace
exposer son argumentation
mettre en valeur son opinion sur un événement ou une expérience -
Ce cours a pour but de renforcer vos connaissances et vos pratiques en langue française, principalement écrite, afin d’enrichir vos productions d’écrits, non seulement dans le cadre de vos études ou de votre métier mais aussi dans les situations de communication avec d’autres personnes. A travers l’étude de texte authentiques universitaires et issus des médias ou de la littérature contemporaine, nous analyserons les différents registres existants du français. Les premières heures se concentreront sur la révision de la grammaire et de la syntaxe. Pour pratiquer les thèmes grammaticaux abordés dans un premier temps sous forme d’exercices, le travail de l’écriture sera décliné sous plusieurs formes :la rédaction d’une réclamationune lettre officielle un résumé d’article un article argumenté (2 pages maximum) sur un sujet de votre choix. La rédaction de plusieurs genres textuels est nécessaire pour assimiler certains automatismes. Vous améliorerez ainsi efficacement vos connaissances de la langue française. -
25% : Notes des devoirs écrits rendus
50% : Compréhension écrite et rédaction d’un article (maximum 2 pages) après une séance de révision en cours.
25% : Participation orale en cours et la préparation des devoirs maison -
Saisons 4, Editions Didier
Alter Ego+, Niveau B1-B2
Écrire pour convaincre, cahier d’activités, Hachette FL
Grammaire Progressive du Français, Niveau Avancé, Paris, Clé international/Klett
- Course title: Atelier d'écriture français B2 – Writing workshop B2 French (Belval)
- Number of ECTS: 3
- Course code: LC_CAT-271
- Module(s): Academic/professional courses
- Language: FR
- Mandatory: No
Coming soon -
Les étudiants apprennent à structurer et à rédiger des textes scientifiques en français.
Course learning outcomes
À l’issue de cet atelier, les étudiants seront capables de :
Résultats d’apprentissage généraux :
Écrire une argumentation organisée et efficace ;
Maîtriser les outils grammaticaux et lexicaux nécessaires à la rédaction d’un résumé et d’une argumentation.
Résultats d’apprentissage spécifiques :
Lire et analyser un texte académique, comprendre quel est le sujet traité, repérer l’objectif du texte, sa structure, les arguments ;
Rédiger un projet de texte académique en explicitant l’idée principale ;
Rédiger le résumé fidèle d’un article académique ;
Rédiger un texte argumentatif en respectant la structure et les règles d’écriture propres aux textes académiques.
Dans ce cours, les compétences d’écriture pour les textes académiques en français sont développées grâce à une combinaison de contribution de l’enseignant, d’exercices d’écriture, de relecture entre pairs et de discussion. Le cours est enseigné en français (niveau B2) avec des aides explicatives en anglais pour la théorie et offre une aide à l’écriture aux étudiants moins familiarisés avec la lecture et l’écriture de textes académiques en français. Le cours couvre une variété de sujets nécessaires pour comprendre et écrire des textes académiques en français, tels que l’utilisation du discours académique, la rédaction de résumés, la construction d’arguments, l’utilisation de votre propre voix dans des textes académiques et la façon de rendre un texte cohérent. Des exercices et vidéos sont proposés en cours et sur Moodle. -
L’évaluation sera basée sur :
– 2 tests écrits en classe (70% de la note)
– la participation et une présentation orale (30%)
- Course title: Perfectionner son expression en français (B2) – (Belval)
- Number of ECTS: 3
- Course code: LC_CAT-59
- Module(s): Academic/professional courses
- Language: FR
- Mandatory: No
Coming soon -
Ce cours a pour but de renforcer vos connaissances et vos pratiques en langue française orale et écrite afin de faciliter vos prises de parole et vos productions d’écrits, pas seulement dans le cadre de vos études mais aussi dans les situations de communication avec d’autres personnes.
Course learning outcomes
L’objectif de ce cours est de vous faire réaliser un saut qualitatif – en français oral et écrit – et de vous « faire passer une barre de niveau ».
Des exercices de voix, de parole, de langue, de langage et de communication dans différents domaines vous entraîneront à des pratiques d’écoute et de production qui, autrement que des cours théoriques, vous conduiront à plus de facilité et d’aisance en français.Des activités relatives à la compréhension et à la production de langue orale et écrite : vocabulaire, étymologie, dérivation, référenciation portant sur différentes unités linguistiques vous amèneront à utiliser et à comprendre de mieux en mieux les pratiques du français.Bien entendu, le contenu s’adaptera aux besoins exprimés par chaque membre du groupe. -
Comment « parler », « lire » et « écrire » mieux et plus facilement en français ?D’abord en s’intéressant aux « sons » et en les mettant ensemble pour dire des mots mais aussi en étudiant les lettres et les groupes de lettres qui permettent d’écrire ces sons. Ensuite en mettant ces mots ensemble pour faire des phrases qui ont du sens.Enfin, parler, c’est aussi s’adresser à d’autres personnes, c’est-à-dire savoir comment parler et savoir utiliser telle ou telle manière de parler (« registres » courant, soutenu, familier).Sans oublier que la langue ne sert pas seulement à communiquer mais qu’elle révèle aussi une manière de penser le monde et de se conduire dans le monde (pas de la même manière partout = interculturalité).Ce cours va vous familiariser avec ces différents aspects de l’oral et de l’écrit du français en vous proposant des activités qui vous permettront d’apprendre à :- poser votre voix ;- oser prendre la parole (en particulier en public) ;- produire – à l’oral et à l’écrit – des mots, des énoncés et des phrases adaptées aux circonstances ; dans des situations d’interactions partagées.Il vous amènera également à approfondir et affiner à la fois vos connaissances linguistiques et votre pratique de la langue française orale et écrite, d’une part par des écoutes et des visionnages répétés de séquences vidéo, d’autre part par des lectures et des productions d’écrits. Vous serez donc amenés à étudier aussi la langue écrite en lisant et en analysant des commentaires, des explications, des articles qui portent sur les séquences vidéo proposées.Ensemble, vous y pratiquerez donc des activités ludiques et informatives qui vous feront :- « faire des liens » entre vos possibilités de communication courante en français et les pratiques de langue (orale et écrite) académiques, nécessaires à votre cursus (et/ou à votre vie personnelle et professionnelle) ;- progresser ainsi en langue française. -
Pour obtenir les 3 ECTS, l’évaluation repose sur :
– participation active aux cours en présentiel ou en ligne (prises de parole, interactions orales avec l’enseignante et les pairs),
– rendus des devoirs écrits dans les délais impartis,
– devoir final à faire sur place ou ensemble en ligne, en fin de période de cours et corrigé en commun à la séance suivante. -
BibliographieAmossy, R. (2010). L’Argumentation dans le discours, Paris, Armand Colin. Barthélémy, F., Groux, D., Porcher, L. (2011). Le français langue étrangère, Paris, L’Harmattan. Cerquiglini, B., Corbeil, J.-Cl., Klinkenberg, J.-M., Peeters, B. (Dirs.) (2000). Le français dans tous ses états, Paris, Flammarion. Conseil de l’Europe. (2010). Niveau B1 pour le français : un référentiel, Paris, Didier. Gadet, F., Ludwig, R. (2015). Le français au contact d’autres langues, Paris, Ophrys. Laroussi, F. et Penloup, M.-C. (Dirs) (2012). Identités langagières, Rouen, PURH. Moeschler, J. (1985). Argumentation et conversation. Eléments pour une analyse pragmatique du discours, Hatier-Credif. Porcher, L. (2014). Sur le bout de la langue : la didactique en blog, Paris, CLE International, Didier. Riegel, M., Pellat, J.-C., Rioul, R. (2009). Grammaire méthodique du français, Paris, PUF.
- Course title: Français académique C1 – Valérie Puyau (Belval)
- Number of ECTS: 3
- Course code: LC_CAT-189
- Module(s): Academic/professional courses
- Language: FR
- Mandatory: No
Coming soon -
L’objectif de ce cours est d’acquérir les connaissances suffisantes en français de l’écrit pour accéder au cours d’un locuteur indépendant.A l’issue de ce cours vous serez capable de :• lire des articles de registres variés sur des questions contemporaines• comprendre un texte long y compris les parties difficiles• comprendre un texte littéraire contemporain• écrire des textes bien structurés clairs et détaillés sur n’importe quel sujet y compris complexe, approprié au lecteur visé, et dans un style personnel• écrire un essai ou une synthèse sur n’importe quel sujet y compris complexe, qu’il se rapporte ou non à son domaine• exposer son argumentation
Course learning outcomes
A l’issue de ce cours vous serez capable de :• lire des articles de registres variés sur des questions contemporaines• comprendre un texte long y compris les parties difficiles• comprendre un texte littéraire contemporain• écrire des textes bien structurés clairs et détaillés sur n’importe quel sujet y compris complexe, approprié au lecteur visé, et dans un style personnel• écrire un essai ou une synthèse sur n’importe quel sujet y compris complexe, qu’il se rapporte ou non à son domaine• exposer son argumentation -
A l’aide d’écrits de textes authentiques universitaires, issus des médias ou de la littérature contemporaine, nous aborderons les techniques d’analyse de texte, de résumé, d’argumentation/essai et de synthèse de l’écrit.Nous nous appuierons sur ces textes pour travailler également l’aspect formel de la langue (grammaire, conjugaison, lexique). Nous évaluerons au préalable vos besoins lors des premières séances et procéderons à quelques révisions -
L’évaluation sera constituée pour 50% d’un devoir de synthèse (à réaliser en binôme à la maison), pour 25% des notes des devoirs rendus et pour 25% de la participation en classe et de la préparation des devoirs maison. -
BibliographieCommuniquer à l’écrit, Cle internationalDocuments DALF C1, C2Production écrite Niveau C1, C2 Edition Didier
- Course title: Deutsch A1.2 allgemein – Kirchberg
- Number of ECTS: 3
- Course code: LC_CAT-266
- Module(s): General courses
- Language: DE
- Mandatory: No
Coming soon -
Course learning outcomes
By the end of this course, students should be able to:
understand and provide informationaboutthemselves and general private matters
understandand, give information about their spare time activities and making appointments
understandand, provide information about rooms, apartments and furniture
understandand, provide information about clothes and fashion and how to buy things
understandand, give information about attractions and towns in the German speaking countries
interact in th everyday life like telling time, etc.
understand and provide simple texts like e-mails or sms. -
This course starts with basic language skills. The course will be based on the manual DaF-KompaktA1 (Hueber)Communication skills : The students will learn to understand simple written texts and oral communication about presenting yourself, giving personal information, giving information about time and seasons, buying things and food,hobbies and spare time activities, making appointments, furniture and living, tourist attractions and urban living.Grammar: articles, verbs in the present, negation, modal verbs, irregular verbs in the present tense, possessive articles, sentence structure, etc. The course ends with a language examination in all four communicative activities on the level A1 GER. -
Speaking, listening, writing and reading skills will be evaluated in task-based activities.Listening: key information from listening texts has to be understood (radio,TV…),Reading: key information to be found in a short reading text, Writing: simple text to be summarized and simple text production,Students will be evaluated on their active participation in the course, their regular homework and on their final test(written and spoken). -
Bibliography : Birgit A1(DeutschalsFremdsprache) Kurs-und Übungsbuch + 2 Audio CDs. Klett. Stuttgart 2015.
- Course title: Deutsch A1.2 allgemein – Belval
- Number of ECTS: 3
- Course code: LC_CAT-269
- Module(s): General courses
- Language: DE
- Mandatory: Yes
Coming soon -
Communication skills: The students will learn to understand simple written texts and engage in oral communication on topics such as buying goods and food, making appointments, hobbies and leisure activities, furniture and living arrangements, tourist attractions, and urban living.Grammar: The students will learn regular and irregular verbs in the present and perfect tense, articles and nouns with gender and cases, modal verbs, interrogative and imperative forms, sentence structure, pronouns, prepositions, connectors, participles etc. Course design: The objective is the continued acquisition of basic oral and written skills. Students will engage in speaking, listening, writing, and reading communicative activities through individual, pair, and group work. Additionally, students will be provided with links to interactive exercises, quizzes, and games as well as to tutorials and other informative tools. The course concludes with a language examination covering all four communicative activities.
Course learning outcomes
By the end of this course, students should be able to:Understand and provide information about themselves and general personal mattersUnderstand and give information about their leisure activities and making appointmentsUnderstand and provide information about rooms, apartments, and furnitureUnderstand and provide information about clothes, fashion, and shoppingUnderstand and give information about attractions and towns in the German-speaking countriesPerform everyday linguistic actions Understand and write simple texts like emails or SMS messages. -
The objective is the continued acquisition of basic oral and written skills. Students will engage in speaking, listening, writing, and reading communicative activities through individual, pair, and group work. Additionally, students will be provided with links to interactive exercises, quizzes, and games as well as to tutorials and other informative tools. The course concludes with a language examination covering all four communicative activities. -
Speaking, listening, writing and reading skills will be evaluated through task-based activities. Listening: Key information from listening texts (radio, TV, etc.) must be understood. Reading: Key information must be found in short reading texts, or questions about these texts must be answered Writing: Simple texts are to be summarized, and basic text production is required. Students will be evaluated on their active participation in the course, their regular homework (which may include grammar or vocabulary exercises), and their final test (both written and spoken). -
Attendance is mandatory
- Course title: Deutsch A2.2 allgemein – Kirchberg
- Number of ECTS: 3
- Course code: LC_CAT-265
- Module(s): General courses
- Language: DE
- Mandatory: No
Coming soon -
Course design: This is a blended learning course in which students train their linguistic skills in class as well as on an e-learning platform (Moodle). 1 ECTS is awarded for the work in class and 2 ECTS for teacher-guided autonomous learning at home, the latter amounting to approximately four hours per week. A reading project adapted to the students’ proficiency level is part of the course. Students will also develop a writing portfolio with three short texts and give a short presentation about a university-related topic at the end of the semester. The course ends with a final test.
Course learning outcomes
By the end of this course, students should be able to:• understand and provide information about university life, family, profession, tourism and culture, sports and food, learning experiences, media and communication, travel and climate as well as mobility and professional life;• understand and provide information about past activities;• ask for help, express recommendations and suggestions as well as hope and surprise; talk about learning experiences and about habits; express happiness, enthusiasm and disappointment, satisfaction and dissatisfaction as well as interest and disinterest; book rooms, give directions, talk about the weather; explain things;• give a short presentation about topic related to university life;• compose basic texts and revise them with the support of the teacher -
This course aims to develop language skills in the objective to reach level A2 in German (A2.1 in the winter term and A2.2 in the summer term).Communication skills: understand written and oral texts about everyday life, and – to a certain extent – also about university life; speak about a variety of everyday topics and learn to cope linguistically with different kinds of everyday situations; write texts that are commonly met with in everyday communication.Grammar: perfect tense, possessive pronouns, prepositions, declination of adjectives, common conjunctions, reflexive verbs, temporal conjunctions, local prepositions, passive voice, phrase construction, dative and accusative objects, verbs with prepositions, past tense, demonstrative pronouns, relative clause and relative pronouns. -
Grading• Continuous assessment (40% of the final grade):• 1 writing portfolio with three texts (10%). The revised versions of the texts will be graded.• 1 short presentation (2-3 minutes) about a university-related topic (10%)• Online tasks: grammar, vocabulary, writing etc. (10%)At least 50% of the tasks need to be completed in order to get the full score.• A reading project with online tasks (10%)At least 50% of the tasks need to be completed in order to get the full score.• Final test (60% of the final grade) -
BibliographyHabersack, Charlotte (2013): Menschen A2. Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Kursbuch. Ismaning: Hueber.Breitsameter, Anna (2013): Menschen A2. Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Arbeitsbuch. Ismaning: Hueber.Page 2 of 2Winter term: Dittrich, Roland (2016): Die Skorpion-Frau: Liebe und Tod in Heidelberg. Berlin: CornelsenWinter term: Dittrich, Roland (2016): Die Skorpion-Frau: Liebe und Tod in Heidelberg. Berlin: Cornelsen.Summer term: Dittrich, Roland (2011): Leise kommt der Tod. Berlin: Cornelsen
- Course title: Deutsch A2.2 allgemein – Belval
- Number of ECTS: 3
- Course code: LC_CAT-268
- Module(s): General courses
- Language: DE
- Mandatory: No
Coming soon -
This course aims to develop language skills to reach level A2.2 in German.Communication skills: Students will learn to understand written and oral texts about everyday life, and, to some extent, university life. They will be able to speak about a variety of everyday topics and handle different everyday situations linguistically. Additionally, students will write texts commonly encountered in everyday communication.Grammar: The course covers common conjunctions, especially temporal conjunctions, passive voice, sentence construction, dative and accusative objects, indirect questions and interrogative determiners, local prepositions, verbs with prepositions, modal verbs, reflexive verbs, past tense, demonstrative pronouns, relative clauses, and relative pronouns.Course design: This is a blended learning course in which students develop their linguistic skills both in class and on an e-learning platform (Moodle). Students earn 2 ECTS for classroom participation and 1 ECTS for teacher-guided autonomous learning at home, which amounts to approximately two hours per week. Students will develop a writing portfolio with two short texts and deliver a short presentation on a topic related to the course program at the end of the semester. The course concludes with a final exam.
Course learning outcomes
By the end of this course, students should be able to:Understand and provide information about everyday life, learning experiences, media and communication, culture and administration, travel and climate, as well as mobility and professional life.Understand and describe past activities.Ask for help, make recommendations and suggestions, and express hope and surprise. Discuss learning experiences and habits, express happiness, enthusiasm, disappointment, satisfaction, and dissatisfaction, as well as show interest and disinterest. Additionally, students will be able to book rooms, give directions, talk about the weather, and explain various topics.Deliver a short presentation on a topic related to the course program.Write basic texts and revise them with the support of the teacher. -
Continuous assessment (40%of the final grade):Online tasks: grammar, vocabulary, etc.(20%)At least 50% of the tasks need to be completed to receive the full score.1 writing portfolio containing two short texts (10%)1 short oral presentation (2-3minutes) on a topic related to thecourse program(10%)Final test (60% of the final grade) -
BibliographyHabersack, Charlotte, Pude, Angela, Specht, Franz(2019): Menschen A2. Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Kursbuch. Ismaning: Hueber.Breitsameter, Anna, Glas-Peters, Sabine, Pude, Angela(2013): Menschen A2. Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Arbeitsbuch. Ismaning: Hueber.
- Course title: Français général A1.2 – General French A1.2 (Belval)
- Number of ECTS: 3
- Course code: LC_CAT-263
- Module(s): General courses
- Language: FR
- Mandatory: No
Coming soon -
Communicative skills in French:- introduce oneself, get in touch with someone and introduce someone (name, age, nationality, profession, spelling);- talk about one’s daily environment (address, e-mail, telephone number, talk about one’s family, hobbies);- ask and give news about someone;- know how to find your way: directions/give instructions;- know how to ask for information (orally and in writing);- ask for the time;- write a simple, short message or fill in simple registrations forms with your personal details
Course learning outcomes
After completing this course, you will be able to use familiar everyday expressions and basic phrases. You can introduce yourself and ask and answer questions about personal details. You can interact in a simple way, provided that the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help. -
This is a general French course, where written and oral comprehension, vocabulary, grammar and spelling are worked on, as well as written and oral expression in French. From the beginning of this course, you will start communicating in French. The covered topics include: greeting, introducing yourself, talking about yourself and your family, describing a city and a neighbourhood, talking about your hobbies and interests. The necessary grammar is explained and ample attention is paid to vocabulary. All skills are covered: speaking, writing, reading and listening. Attention is also paid to the cultural context of Luxembourg. -
Your final grade will be divided into:•attendance (compulsory) + participation in class: 20%,•2 tests based on oral and written comprehension: 30% •Final test: 50% -
Bonjour et bienvenue A1.1 – tout en français – Livre-cahier +
ISBN 978-2278110803
100% FLE – Grammaire essentielle du français A1 – livre +
- Course title: Français général A1.2 – General French A1.2 (Kirchberg)
- Number of ECTS: 3
- Course code: LC_CAT-243
- Module(s): General courses
- Language: FR
- Mandatory: No
Coming soon -
The beginner’s French course enables the candidate to interact in a simple way, answer simple questions using individual words, expressions or short sentences. The candidate can express common feelings, tell the size and name the color of familiar objects, can also ask others about these qualities. The candidate can participate in short telephonic conversations, ask straightforward questions in familiar situations (e.g. asking the location of a place and price of an item, asking for time etc.) and understand the responses, can exchange information about everyday matters using simple vocabulary (e.g. weekend activities, hobbies and other interests, shopping etc.). The candidate can ask for assistance with vocabulary and clarification of tasks, recognize isolated vocabulary from specific subject areas. The candidate can understand words and expressions on signs when everyday language is used (e.g. ‘Open/Closed’, ‘Exit’etc.). He/She is equally able to adequately understand straight forward forms in order to insert personal information, recognize important information on basic promotional material (price, date, and time on posters) and to recognize, speak and write short messages and greetings. The candidate will be able to write very simple informal messages, short messages like post cards and birthday greetings and write simple descriptions of everyday objects. The candidate is able to indicate personal strengths and weaknesses, describe basic aspects of their day-to-day life and to talk about briefly about familiar topics
Course learning outcomes
By the end of the course, students will be expected to:Be able to recognize and identify basic parts of a speech.Understand and use familiar everyday expressions and basic phrases in French aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type.Introduce people (oneself and others); ask and answer questions about personal details such as where one lives, people one knows and things one has.Interact in a simple way if the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.Be able to interact with people in the close environment in the University and the City. -
This course aims to develop basic language skills in the objective for full beginners to reach an A1 level (A1.1 in winter term and A1.2 in summer term). Students are involved in speech acts in interaction, listening authentic & training writing and reading communicative activities in individual and group work. Phonetics lessons will help students improve their pronunciation, as well as their understanding. Integrated and explicit grammar will support communicative skills. -
The evaluation consists in various tasks:A continuous assessment dealing with questions/role playing in class (oral participation) will count for 20 % of final course mark.3 assignments will stand for 30 % of final course mark (oral presentation; writing paper about a person and an object; understanding an advertisement).A final test (listening, writing and reading) will take place at the end of the semester. It counts for 50 per cent of the final mark. -
Personal work required outside of classIn order to strengthen language skills, vocabulary and grammar rules, after each class, students will be expected to review the texts; audiovisual material used during the course and learn the grammar rules and some additional vocabulary. Homework will include written expression, exercises or researches. Personal work expected: at least 1 hour / week
- Course title: Français général A2.2 – General French A2.2 (Belval)
- Number of ECTS: 3
- Course code: LC_CAT-270
- Module(s): General courses
- Language: FR
- Mandatory: No
Coming soon -
Course learning outcomes
À l
issue de ce cours, vous
capable de:
Demander, comprendre et donner des informations sur des habitudes quotidiennes, un emploi du temps, des personnes, un règlement ;
Parler de vos goûts ;
Décrire votre environnement personnel (pays, logement, université) ;
de vos projets personnels et professionnels;
Expliquer vos choix en comparant ;
Demander et donner des conseils;
Parler de vos études et de votre expérience professionnelle;
Raconter des événements passés, un souvenir, une anecdote, une expérience ;
Parler brièvement de l’actualité, raconter un fait divers. -
Nous analyserons d’abord vos besoins et ferons ensuite quelques révisions de grammaire et de vocabulaire:- Utilisation du présent, du passé composé et du futur proche ;- Conjugaison des verbes essentiels (faire, pouvoir, devoir, vouloir, savoir, connaître) ;- Utilisation des articles (définis, indéfinis et partitifs) ;- Utilisation des pronoms personnels compléments (directs, indirects, y, en) ;- Utilisation des pronoms relatif simples (qui, que, où) ;- Utilisation des expressions de temps ;- Formulation des questions ;- Lieux importants de la vie quotidienne ;- Description physique et psychologique des personnes ;- Habitudes ;- Alimentation.Puis nous étudierons la comparaison, les formes négatives, la condition avec « si », l’imparfait de l’indicatif, l’alternance passé composé/imparfait ainsi que le futur simple, tout en nous intéressant au vocabulaire des études, du travail, des médias et des voyages.Nous approfondirons ces points à l’aide de documents issus de la vie quotidienne. -
La bibliographie est présentée pour
information. Il
est pas nécessaire d
acheter les
Édito, niveau A2, édition 2022, Didier FLE
En contexte – Exercices de grammaire, niveau A2, Hachette
Vocabulaire progressif du français, niveau A2, CLÉ International
- Course title: Français général A2.2 – General French A2.2 (Kirchberg)
- Number of ECTS: 3
- Course code: LC_CAT-244
- Module(s): General courses
- Language: FR
- Mandatory: No
Coming soon -
L’objectif de ce cours est d’acquérir les connaissances suffisantes en français pour accéder au cours de français général niveau B1. Cette remise à niveau est faite grâce à : de nombreux exercices de grammaire et de vocabulaire, des jeux de rôles et des situations de communication de la vie réelle.
Course learning outcomes
À l’issue de ce cours vous serez capable de :• Donner une explication simple • Parler de vos goûts, de vos projets • Fixer, accepter/refuser un rendez-vous• Parler de votre expérience universitaire et professionnelle• Établir des comparaisons • Demander et donner des conseils• Raconter une expérience passée -
Ce cours a pour but de renforcer vos connaissances et vos pratiques en langue française, principalement écrite, afin d’enrichir vos productions d’écrits, non seulement dans le cadre de vos études ou de votre métier mais aussi dans les situations de communication avec d’autres personnes. Les premières heures se concentreront sur la révision des points de grammaire essentiels notamment :- Le présent de l’indicatif – Le futur proche – Le passé composé – La forme interrogative Nous approfondirons ces acquis et aborderons : – Les pronoms relatifs simples- La négation – Les pronoms Y/EN – La place de l’adjectif – La comparaison -
L’évaluation se fera ainsi :50 % : Notes des devoirs écrits rendus (deux devoirs composés d’une production orale et écrite)50 % : Participation orale en cours et préparation des devoirs maison.La présence aux cours est obligatoire afin de valider les crédits ECTS attribués au cours de français général A2. Au-delà de deux absences, l’étudiant/étudiante ne peut plus valider le cours. -
Édito A1, Éditions DidierÉdito A2, Éditions DidierObjectif express A1/A2Grammaire essentielle du français A2, 100 % FLE, DidierFle
- Course title: Portugais A1 – Portuguese A1 (Belval)
- Number of ECTS: 3
- Course code: LC_CAT-154
- Module(s): General courses
- Language: PT
- Mandatory: No
Coming soon -
This course aims at giving total beginners in Portuguese, keys to phonetics and the basic
vocabulary of the Portuguese language. Oral communication is particularly targeted.
Students are involved in speaking, listening, writing and reading communicative
activities in individual and/or pair and/or group work. When the students have a certain
mastery of every day vocabulary and of the verbal system, the main aspects of grammar
will be studied. -
Course learning outcomes
By the end of this course, students should be able to:
manage to take part in simple, short conversation
introduce themselves
greet people
provide personal information about themselve
provide spatial information
describe places
ask for information
make appointments and talk about their daily routine and leisure activities;
ask for or order something in a hotel or restaurant
express preference
understand simple written texts and briefly summarize them
Express themselves in a very simple way in everyday conversation
invite/ accept /refuse
write a letter
learn the basic grammatical structures of the Portuguese language. -
This course combines speaking, writing, reading and listening skills for general purposes. It is orientated for academically trained learners who are willing to learn (a) foreign language(s) and acquire basic command of the Portuguese language.It aims at developing the linguistic abilities of the A1 level of the common European Reference Setting for languages.Teaching language: Portuguese/French (with recourse to English when needed) -
Speaking, listening, writing and reading skills shall be evaluated in task based
Oral interaction in the class
Listening: key information from listening texts must be
understood (Advertisements, dialogues, etc.); answering multiple choice
questions; answering right/wrong questions; completing sentences;
Reading: key information in a short reading must be detected;
Speaking: daily routines, introducing oneself, meeting new people; dialogues,
Writing: basic “texts” or sequence of sentences should be summarized.
Students will be evaluated, in accordance to their active participation in the course, on
their regular homework (which also consists of grammar and/or vocabulary
exercises/drills) and on their final presentation and test (both written and spoken). -
Tavares, Ana, Português XXI, Livro do Aluno 1; ( Nível A1) Lidel, 2014.
Coimbra, Isabel e Mata Coimbra, Olga, Gramática Ativa 1, Lidel, 2014.
- Course title: Portugais A2 – Portuguese A2 (Belval)
- Number of ECTS: 3
- Course code: LC_CAT-191
- Module(s): General courses
- Language: PT
- Mandatory: No
Coming soon -
• Solicitar e fornecer informações sobre hábitos diários;
• Fale sobre os seus gostos, os seus projetos;
• Fazer sugestões e reagir a propostas (aceitar, declinar, pedir desculpas);
• Dar uma razão, explicar, justificar as suas escolhas;
• Pedir e dar conselhos;
• Falar sobre a sua experiência profissional, o seu ambiente de trabalho;
• Contar, narrar eventos passados, uma memória, uma anedota, uma experiência. -
Na metodologia utilizada presta-se uma atenção constante ao processo de comunicação oral e à abordagem comparativa entre a língua portuguesa e francesa para a aprendizagem da gramática. Estas aulas de “Língua portuguesa -nível A2” pretendem desenvolver as competências linguísticas do nível A2 do Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para as Línguas -
Praticando uma avaliação formativa, os alunos devem entregar ou enviar à professora (por e-mail ou através da Plataforma Moodle) todo o tipo de trabalhos escritos para correção, desde exercícios gramaticais, pequenas fichas de leitura e todo o tipo de trabalhos realizados em autonomia, além dos exercícios de redação solicitados pela professora.
– Interação oral na aula – 25% – A avaliação da compreensão oral é efectuada a partir da audição de documentos em português (registos áudio) com resposta a questionários de escolha múltipla, exercícios de Verdadeiro e Fal- so, frases para completar. A avaliação da expressão oral é efectuada a partir de apresentação de curtos diálogos entre pares.
– Teste intermédio – 25%
– Exame final (escrito) – 50% -
BESCHERELLE, Les verbes portugais et brésiliens, ed. Hatier, Paris, 1997. BLUM, Geneviève. Les Idiomatics Français–Portugais / Português-Francês,ed. Seuil, Paris, 1990.
CARREIRA, Maria Helena & Boudoy, Maryvonne, Pratique du portugais de A à Z, Paris, Hatier, 2009.
COIMBRA, Ana Mata; COIMBRA, Isabel, Gramática Activa 1, 2.a ed., Lisboa, Lidel, 2000.
TAVARES, Ana, Português XXI – Nível 2 (A2), Lidel, 2012.
- Course title: Portugais B1 – Portuguese B1 (Belval)
- Number of ECTS: 3
- Course code: LC_CAT-155
- Module(s): General courses
- Language: PT
- Mandatory: No
Coming soon -
Ce cours a pour but de renforcer les connaissances et les pratiques en langue portugaise, au niveau
de l’expression écrite et de l’expression orale afin d’enrichir vos productions communicatives, non
seulement dans le cadre de vos études ou de votre métier mais aussi dans les situations de
communication avec d’autres personnes -
Course learning outcomes
Les étudiants seront amenés à :
Intervenir dans une conversation dans une situation informelle, sur leurs expériences
personnelles, leurs intérêts, les événements actuels, en exprimant des opinions et des
sentiments ;
Interagir dans des situations courantes dans les services, banques, bureaux de poste,
etc. ;
Pouvoir s’exprimer aisément et spontanément sur des sujets spécifiques : vie
professionnelle, vie sociale, vie culturelle, loisirs, etc;
Écrire des messages à une institution, par exemple, pour réserver une location, se
renseigner sur un cours ;
Écrire des lettres dans un cadre professionnel ;
Préparer une brève note de réunion ;
Préparer un résumé de cours ;
Donner des informations, à l’oral et à l’écrit, sur les affaires courantes; -
Ce cours a pour but de renforcer les connaissances et les pratiques en langue portugaise, au niveau de l’expression écrite et de l’expression orale afin d’enrichir vos productions communicatives, non seulement dans le cadre de vos études ou de votre métier mais aussi dans les situations de communication avec d’autres personnes -
L’évaluation se fait en cours de formation, à travers l’interaction orale en cours, la réalisation des
travaux par les étudiants rendus et/ou envoyés (par email) à l’enseignant pour correction (synthèses,
résumés, rédactions, exercices de grammaire, fiches de lecture, etc) ;
L’évaluation de la compréhension orale est effectuée à partir de l’audition de documents en
portugais (enregistrements audio) ;
Lors de l’avant-dernière session, l’évaluation finale aura lieu sous la forme d’un examen écrit avec
des exercices de compréhension écrite, production écrite (rédaction) et grammaire. -
CASTALEIRO, João Malaca, Aprender Português 2, Textos Editores, Lisboa, 2014.
COIMBRA, Ana Mata; COIMBRA, Isabel, Gramática Activa 1, Lisboa, Lidel, 2014.
TAVARES, Ana, Português XXI – Nível 3 (B1), Lidel, 2012.
- Course title: Italiano A1 (Belval)
- Number of ECTS: 3
- Course code: LC_CAT-272
- Module(s): General courses
- Language: IT, FR
- Mandatory: No
Coming soon -
Cours en présentiel réservé aux grands débutants dans la langue italienne.Le cours propose une première découverte de l’italien à travers une approche pédagogique axée principalement sur la communication. Les étudiants seront amenés à apprendre le vocabulaire, des principes de prononciation et des règles grammaticales de base, ainsi qu’à développer les quatre compétences langagières (compréhension orale, expression orale, compréhension écrite, expression écrite) par des exercices et des activités individuelles et/ou en binôme ou en groupe. De plus ils auront l’opportunité de connaître des aspects de la culture italienne.À l’issue du cours les étudiants seront capables de- communiquer dans des situations simples (se présenter, saluer, remercier, poser de simples questions, demander des renseignements, etc.)- parler de ses activités quotidiennes, de ses loisirs, de sa famille- utiliser les structures grammaticales de base de l’italien- rédiger de courts textes (lettres, e-mail, CV, etc.) Corso in presenza per principianti assoluti nella lingua italianaIl corso propone un primo avvicinamento all’italiano attraverso una pedagogia basata soprattutto sulla comunicazione. Gli studenti impareranno il lessico di base, le regole fondamentali di pronuncia e alcune regole semplici di grammatica; lavoreranno inoltre sulle competenze di comunicazione nei quattro ambiti previsti (parlare, ascoltare, scrivere e leggere) grazie ad esercizi ed attività individuali, in coppia e in gruppo. Alla fine potranno anche scoprire alcuni aspetti interessanti della cultura italiana.Alla fine del corso gli studenti saranno in grado di- comunicare in contesti semplici (presentarsi, salutare, ringraziare, fare semplici domande, chiedere informazioni, ecc.)- parlare della propria routine, del tempo libero, della famiglia- usare le strutture di base della lingua italiana- scrivere brevi testi (lettere, e-mail, CV, ecc.) -
Modalité de contrôle : contrôle continu
Participation active : 20%
Régularité dans l’exécution des devoirs à la maison : 20%
Test final : 60%
- Course title: Italiano A2 (Belval)
- Number of ECTS: 3
- Course code: LC_CAT-273
- Module(s): General courses
- Language: IT, FR
- Mandatory: No
Coming soon -
Cours en présentiel de niveau élémentaire Le cours propose un parcours visant à l’acquisition des bases en expression et en compréhension pour communiquer dans la vie quotidienne. L’approche pédagogique sera axée notamment sur la communication. Après un bilan des besoins et une révision des connaissances préalablement acquises, les étudiants enrichiront leur vocabulaire et apprendront de nouvelles structures et règles grammaticales ; ainsi, ils travailleront sur les quatre compétences langagières (compréhension orale, expression orale, compréhension écrite, expression écrite) à travers des exercices et des activités individuelles et/ou en binôme ou en groupe. Tout au long du cours nous aborderons des documents authentiques (photos, vidéos, extraits de film, d’articles de presse), ce qui amènera les étudiants à une découverte progressive de la culture italienne. À l’issue de ce cours les étudiants seront capables de – interagir dans des situations courantes de la vie quotidienne – parler aisément de sa vie personnelle, familiale, sociale et professionnelle – exprimer des opinions, des sentiments – demander et donner des conseils dans plusieurs contextes – s’exprimer au passé – maîtriser les structures grammaticales de base de la langue – rédiger des textes dans un cadre institutionnel ou professionnel Corso in presenza di livello elementare Il corso propone un percorso che conduca lo studente a poter interagire tranquillamente nella vita di tutti i giorni. L’approccio didattico sarà basato soprattutto sulla comunicazione. Dopo una prima parte dedicata al ripasso degli argomenti già conosciuti, gli studenti potranno arricchire il loro lessico e imparare nuove strutture e nuove regole grammaticali dell’italiano. Si lavorerà sulle quattro competenze linguisitche (comprensione orale, espressione orale, comprensione scritta, espressione scritta) attraverso esercizi ed attività individuali, in coppia e in gruppo. Durante il corso saranno presentati documenti originali (foto, pagine di giornale, estratti di documentari e di film) che permetteranno una conoscenza sempre più approfondita della cultura italiana. Alla fine del corso gli studenti saranno in grado di – interagire in situazioni tipiche della vita quotidiana – parlare agevolmente della propria vita privata, familiare, sociale e professionale – esprimere opinioni e stati d’animo – chiedere e dare consigli in diversi contesti – esprimersi al passato – gestire con certezza le strutture grammaticali di base – scrivere testi relativi ad un contesto istituzionale e professionale -
Modalité de contrôle : contrôle continu
Participation active : 20%
Régularité dans l’exécution des devoirs à la maison : 20%
Test final : 60%
- Course title: Italiano B1 (Belval)
- Number of ECTS: 3
- Course code: LC_CAT-274
- Module(s): General courses
- Language: IT, FR
- Mandatory: No
Coming soon -
Cours en présentiel de niveau intermédiaire Le cours prévoit un approfondissement des connaissances lexicales et grammaticales et l’amélioration des compétences communicatives. L’approche pédagogique sera axée notamment sur la communication. Après un bilan des besoins et une révision des connaissances préalablement acquises, les étudiants enrichiront leur vocabulaire et apprendront de nouvelles structures et règles grammaticales ; ils apprendront spécialement à maîtriser les différents temps du passé et du futur et ils rencontreront le subjonctif et le conditionnel. De même, ils travailleront sur les quatre compétences langagières (compréhension orale, expression orale, compréhension écrite, expression écrite) à travers des exercices et des activités individuelles et/ou en binôme ou en groupe. Tout au long du cours nous aborderons des documents authentiques (photos, vidéos, extraits de film, d’articles de presse, petits textes de littérature, etc.) pour connaitre de façon de plus en plus approfondie la culture italienne. À l’issue de ce cours les étudiants seront capables – parler aisément de sa vie personnelle, familiale, sociale et professionnelle – parler de livres, de cinéma, de télévision, de musique, etc. – exprimer des opinions, des sentiments, faire des comparaisons – s’exprimer couramment au passé et au futur – maîtriser les structures grammaticales de base de la langue – utiliser quelques propositions subordonnées – comprendre des textes littéraires simples – rédiger des textes dans un cadre institutionnel ou professionnel Corso in presenza di livello elementare Il corso si ripropone di approfondire delle conoscenze lessicali e grammaticali e di migliorare le competenze nell’ambito della comunicazione. L’approccio didattico sarà basato soprattutto sulla comunicazione. Dopo una prima parte dedicata al ripasso degli argomenti già conosciuti, gli studenti potranno arricchire il loro lessico e imparare nuove strutture e nuove regole grammaticali dell’italiano; in particolare verrà affrontato il corretto utilizzo dei diversi tipi di passato e di futuro, si comincerà lo studio del congiuntivo e del condizionale. Si lavorerà sulle quattro competenze linguisitche (comprensione orale, espressione orale, comprensione scritta, espressione scritta) attraverso esercizi ed attività individuali, in coppia e in gruppo. Durante il corso saranno presentati documenti originali (foto, pagine di giornale, estratti di documentari e di film, brevi testi di letteratura italiana) che permetteranno una conoscenza sempre più approfondita della cultura italiana. Alla fine del corso gli studenti saranno in grado di – parlare agevolmente della propria vita privata, familiare, sociale e professionale – parlare di libri, di cinema, di televisione, di musica, ecc. – esprimere opinioni e stati d’animo, fare paragoni – esprimersi al passato e al futuro – usare alcune proposizioni subordinate – gestire con certezza le strutture grammaticali di base – capire des testi letterari semplici – scrivere testi relativi ad un contesto istituzionale e professionale -
Modalité de contrôle : contrôle continu
Participation active : 20%
Régularité dans l’exécution des devoirs à la maison : 20%
Test final : 60%
- Course title: Peer tutoring (Belval)
- Number of ECTS: 5
- Course code: LC_CAT-71
- Module(s): Peer-tutoring
- Language: FR, DE, EN
- Mandatory: No
Coming soon -
The Language Centre offers training for tutors in language learning and writing in French, German and English. This training leads to a certificate from the Language Centre and equips you to advise your fellow students on language learning and writing academic papers.ApplicationPlease send the following documents to by 3 March 2025:a high-quality text written by yourself in the language(s) in which you want to complete your tutor training (max. two languages);a covering letter explaining why you want to complete the training
Course learning outcomes
This training leads to a certificate from the Language Centre and equips you to advise your fellow students on language learning, presentations and writing academic papers.After successfully completing the training, you may apply for a position as a peer tutor at the Language Centre (under a Student Assistant contract). -
Please see full description and application procedure HEREModule Dates 2024-2025Theory module24 units (3 workshops of 2 x 4 units each) 11 and 12 March18 and 19 March25 and 26 MarchFrom 16.00 to 19.00Belval Campus Practice moduleCourse observation and teaching During the semester. Work with ePortfoliosReflection, materials, ideas To hand in by the end of the semester. Final presentation June 2025 -
Training is conducted in three modules (theory, practice and e-Portfolio) and concludes with a final presentation. -
The peer tutor program can also be integrated into the following study programmes:Bachelor en Cultures Européennes (4 ECTS)Master in Learning and Communication in Multilingual and Multicultural Contexts (5 ECTS)Master in Secondary Education (professional) (5 ECTS)
The Language Centre also works with the Institut National des Langues Luxembourg (INLL). All courses are fee-based but learners may be eligible for a partial reimbursement.