UNIVERSEH Erasmus+ programme
The University of Luxembourg is part of the Erasmus+ programme UNIVERSEH (European Space University for Earth and Humanity) which was founded as a new university partnership for the comprehensive development of the space sector in Europe. In this programme, the University of Luxembourg is an alliance partner with the Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf, AGH University of Science & Technology Krakow, the Luleå University of Technology and the Université Fédérale Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées.
The Language Centres in the partnership offer a range of language courses to UNIVERSEH students to promote multilingualism and mobility between the partner universities.
Contact: University of Luxembourg Language Centre – birgit.huemer@uni.lu
Bilingualism Matters Luxembourg
Bilingualism Matters Luxembourg opened in March 2021. The branch is hosted by the Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences at the University of Luxembourg. Dr Claudine Kirsch, Associate Professor in Languages, is joined by a team of active researchers on multilingualism from social, educational and psychological perspectives. Bilingualism Matters Luxembourg aims to provide scientific knowledge, information and advice to teachers, educators, university lecturers, parents, health and other professionals, managers in multilingual organisations, researchers and policymakers.

RECTEC+ (2019-2021)
The effective implementation of a structured skills-based approach at universities, in conjunction with professional training and real work situations, represents a major challenge when it comes to designing courses and enabling European populations to acquire professional skills, especially people at levels 3, 4 and 5 of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF).
The aim of the RECTEC+ project is to build professional development courses and study programmes based on EQF levels that reflect cross-curricular skills at each level of certification. Seven strategic partners from Belgium, France, Luxembourg and Romania are joining forces for the RECTEC+ project within the Public Interest Group for Continuing Education and Professional Integration (GIP FCIP) coordinated by project leader Académie de Versailles.
The deliverables co-developed over the 24-month project comprise three scholarly outputs (available in French and English) combined in a methodological guide. The project will conclude with a symposium in September 2021 in Paris.
Contact: eve.lejot@uni.lu and leslie.molostoff@uni.lu
Erasmus+ Language Centres network in the Greater Region (2018-2020)
The University of Luxembourg is coordinating a joint online language-learning network, a project involving the Language Centres at the six universities in the Greater Region (the University of Luxembourg, the University of Kaiserslautern, the University of Liège, the University of Lorraine, Saarland University and Trier University).
The six universities have developed an online course together in German and French geared towards students in the Greater Region who are planning to complete an exchange semester in a German- or French-speaking area, as well as students from outside the Greater Region who come to one of the six UniGR universities for an exchange.
For further information:
- Création d’un réseau de centres de langues dans la Grande Région
- Université de la Grande Région
- International Relations Office Facebook page
- Article du journal Le Quotidien
- Communiqué de presse du Paperjam
- Länderübergreifendes Sprachlern-Netzwerk für Studenten der Grossregion
Contact: Eve Lejot, project coordinator, eve.lejot@uni.lu
COST Action 15221 WeReLaTe (2016-2020)
This project addresses the challenge of creating synergy among increasingly specialised and centralised resources for four key higher education activities – research, writing, teaching and learning – which frequently fail to capitalise on their shared characteristics. In many institutions, central support for these four areas continues to grow, often in a responsive rather than a strategic manner, in the form of sometimes overlapping programmes or activities, centres, institutes and other units.
This responsive growth, often influenced by external forces, can result in the goals, structures and services of these central supports being less than optimal. Equally, what contributes to the success, productivity and quality of outcomes, across research, writing, teaching and learning, can remain tacit, poorly defined or even invisible. Our project addresses the dearth of professional conversations and research around the shared territory of support for, and development of, these four areas. Such dialogue and research, across units and institutions, will illuminate intersections and contribute to institutional transformation based on complementary, coherent and integrated provision.

Contact: Dr Birgit Huemer, project partner, birgit.huemer@uni.lu