Many magazines, studies, reports, information booklets, brochures from the EU institutions and other bodies on display are at your disposal. The publications are available in English, French and German and they are all free of charge; you can take them home during opening hours.
If you are looking for something specific, please do not hesitate to ask us. You can also use the online catalogue of the Publications Office of the European Union to search for publications.
Please find below an overview of the free publications at our office:

© European Union
Reflection paper on Harnessing Globalisation
On 1 March 2017, the European Commission presented a White Paper on the future of Europe. It is the starting point for an honest and wideranging debate on the Union’s future at 27. To further contribute to the discussion, the European Commission is putting forward a number of reflection papers on key topics that will define the coming years. This paper on harnessing globalisation is the second in the series. It aims to make a fair and evidence-based assessment of what globalisation means for Europe and Europeans.
- Published: 2017-06-08
- Corporate Author(s): Directorate-General for Communication (European Commission)

© European Union
Reflection paper on the Deepening of the economic and monetary union
This reflection paper – the third in the series – sets out possible ways forward for deepening and completing the Economic and Monetary Union up until 2025. It does so by setting out concrete steps that could be taken by the time of the European Parliament elections in 2019, as well as a series of options for the following years. Building on the Five Presidents’ Report, it is intended both to stimulate the debate on the EMU and to help reach a shared vision of its future design. The single currency is one of Europe’s most significant and tangible achievements. It has helped our economies to integrate and has brought Europeans closer together. But it has always been much more than a monetary project. It was conceived as a promise of prosperity – and that is how it must remain, also for those that will become members of the euro area in the future.
- Published: 2017-06-07
- Corporate Author(s): Directorate-General for Communication (European Commission)

© European Union
Reflection paper on the Social Dimension of Europe
Looking ahead, the debate should be about how to adapt our social models to current and future challenges and galvanise Europe’s social spirit. This reflection paper on the social dimension of Europe is the European Commission’s contribution to this discussion. It maps out the trends and challenges and, most importantly, opens avenues on how to turn our aspirations into a reality, how to empower Europeans for the world in 2025, and how to make our societies stronger and more adaptable.
- Available in DE, FR
- Published: 2017-07-12
- Corporate Author(s): Directorate-General for Communication (European Commission)

© European Union
EU invests in the planet: Ten initiatives for a modern and clean economy
“We would need at least four planets to maintain our present way of life, production and consumption. But we only have one. So now is the time for us all to come together and act for our planet. Tomorrow will be too late.” Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission.
- Available in DE, FR
- Published: 2017-12-15
- Corporate Author(s): Directorate-General for Communication (European Commission)

© European Union
Document de réflexion sur l’Avenir de la défense européenne
Le 1er mars 2017, la Commission européenne a présenté un livre blanc sur l’avenir de l’Europe. Une série de documents de réflexion sur des thèmes clés pour l’avenir de l’Union européenne (UE) à 27 États membres ont été publiés par la suite. Le document de réflexion sur l’avenir de la défense européenne est le quatrième de cette série. Il décrit les principales tendances et défis qui façonneront l’avenir de notre sécurité et de notre défense et, à partir de là, définit les options dans le cadre de trois scénarios pour progresser vers une union de la sécurité et de la défense. Ces scénarios, qui ne s’excluent pas mutuellement, reposent sur différents niveaux d’ambition pour agir ensemble, au niveau de l’UE, dans le domaine de la sécurité et de la défense.
- Published: 2017-06-14
- Corporate Author(s): Directorate-General for Communication (European Commission)

© European Union
Document de réflexion sur l’Avenir des finances de l’UE
Le 1er mars 2017, la Commission européenne a publié son livre blanc sur l’avenir de l’Europe, point de départ d’un large et franc débat sur l’Europe de demain. Afin de contribuer davantage à ce débat, la Commission présente une série de documents de réflexion sur des thèmes qui seront déterminants pour façonner l’avenir de l’Europe. Le présent document — qui clôture la série — a pour thème les finances d’une future Union à 27 dans un monde en mutation. Il tient compte des idées exposées dans les quatre documents de réflexion précédents et présente des scénarios et axes de réforme envisageables, en expliquant les avantages, les inconvénients, les risques et les compromis liés à chacun d’entre eux.
- Published: 2017-07-07
- Corporate Author(s): Directorate-General for Communication (European Commission)

© European Union
Livre Blanc sur l’avenir de l’Europe
Réflexions et scénarios pour l’EU-27 à l’horizon 2025.
- Available in DE
- Published: 2017-08-08
- Corporate Author(s): Representation in Luxembourg (European Commission)

© European Union
Spotlight on EU Action for Women
Equality between women and men is a fundamental value of the European Union, dating back to the 1957 Treaty of Rome, which established the principle of equal pay for equal work. Since then, the EU has continued to tackle gender-based discrimination and today Europe is one of the safest and fairest places for women in the world.
- Published: 2019-12-10
- Corporate Author(s): Directorate-General for Communication (European Commission)

© European Union
Spotlight on European Solidarity Corps
Many young Europeans are ready to volunteer or work for a good cause, in projects where their help makes a difference, and to show solidarity with those less fortunate. Finding the right opportunity can be difficult. That is why the European Solidarity Corps has been set up. The European Solidarity Corps provides young people with an opportunity to gain invaluable experience, develop their skills and make a contribution to society. If you’re a young person looking for volunteering or work experience, or an organisation looking to attract young people to your solidarity activities, then the European Solidarity Corps may well be the answer.
- Published: 2017-07-25
- Corporate Author(s): Directorate-General for Communication (European Commission)

© European Union
Coup de projecteur sur l’Année européenne du patrimoine culturel 2018
Le 7 décembre 2017 à Milan (Italie). Le patrimoine culturel rythme notre quotidien. Il est partout autour de nous, dans les villes, petites comme grandes, les paysages naturels et les sites archéologiques de l’Europe. On le retrouve dans la littérature, l’art et les objets, mais aussi dans les métiers que les anciens nous ont transmis, dans les histoires que nous racontons à nos enfants, dans la nourriture que nous apprécions et dans les films que nous regardons et auxquels nous nous identifions. Le patrimoine culturel unit l’Europe à travers notre histoire et nos valeurs communes. Il représente également la richesse et la diversité de nos traditions culturelles. Il nous faut comprendre, chérir et valoriser notre patrimoine culturel commun. Toutefois, le patrimoine culturel n’est pas seulement un héritage du passé. Il nous aide également à aller de l’avant et à forger notre avenir. Une série d’initiatives et d’événements sans précédent sont prévus dans toute l’Europe en 2018 en vue de rapprocher les personnes de leur patrimoine culturel et de leur permettre d’y prendre une part plus active. Il s’agira aussi d’encourager le partage et l’appréciation du riche patrimoine de l’Europe et de renforcer le sentiment d’appartenance à un espace européen commun. L’Année européenne du patrimoine culturel nous appartient à tous!
- Published: 2018-12-04
- Corporate Author(s): Directorate-General for Communication (European Commission)

© European Union
FRA: Experiences and perceptions of antisemitism.
Second survey on discrimination and hate crime against Jews in the EU
This report outlines the main findings of FRA’s second survey on Jewish people’s experiences with hate crime, discrimination and antisemitism in the European Union – the biggest survey of Jewish people ever conducted worldwide. Covering 12 EU Member States, the survey reached almost 16,500 individuals who identify as being Jewish. It follows up on the agency’s first survey, conducted in seven countries in 2012. The findings make for a sobering read. They underscore that antisemitism remains pervasive across the EU – and has, in many ways, become disturbingly normalised. The important information provided herein can support policymakers across the EU in stepping up their efforts to ensure the safety and dignity of all Jewish people living in the EU.
- Published: 2019-01-23
- Corporate Author(s): European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (European Commission)

© European Union
FRA: Fundamental Rights Report 2019
This report covers several titles of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and tracks progress and developments in the topics of equality, freedom and justice. It also presents the opinions of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights on these developments. These opinions provide evidence-based, timely and practical advice on possible policy responses to be considered by the main actors within the EU.
- Published: 2019-06-04
- Corporate Author(s): European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (European Commission)

© European Union
EUROFUND: Public services: Quality of health and care services in the EU
Public services are essential for achieving high levels of social protection, social cohesion and social inclusion. However, to be effective in this regard, services must be of good quality and they must be equally accessible to the broadest possible range of citizens. Care services in particular represent a key component of social protection for EU citizens, improving quality of life and access to education and employment. This report reveals citizens’ perceptions of quality in healthcare, long-term care and childcare, and compares them between countries, groups in society and the receivers of care and indirect service users.
- Published: July 2019
- Corporate Author(s): Dubois, Hans; Leončikas, Tadas; Molinuevo, Daniel

© European Union
EU & me
If you are a citizen of an EU country then you are also a European citizen. But what does this mean in practice? What has the European Union done for you? Well, for a start, we all live in peaceful times, which in itself is a huge achievement, but it is not the only thing that Europe has done for us. If you are between 14 and 18 and interested in finding out more about the European Union, then this publication is for you! It will tell you how the European Union was built, what values we share, who does what in the EU and how all of this is relevant to your daily life. You will also learn about the many challenges that the EU deals with today, challenges that will also shape your future. The European Union has been constructed over time. It is a continuous ‘work in progress’ and it will soon be your generation’s turn to decide what to do next. So now is the time for you to shape your own opinions about the EU. This publication and the exercises it contains should provide food for thought not only for you, but also when talking about Europe with your friends and family.
- Available in FR
- Published: 2020-02-01
- Corporate Author(s): Directorate-General for Communication (European Commission)

© European Union
Europe in 12 lessons
What purpose does the EU serve? Why and how was it set up? How does it work? What has it already achieved for its citizens, and what new challenges does it face today? Find the answers to these – and many more – questions thanks to 12 easy lessons prepared by EU expert Pascal Fontaine.
- Available in FR
- Published: 2019-08-29
- Corporate Author(s): Directorate-General for Communication (European Commission)

© European Union
L’Union Européenne. Sa fonction et ses activités
Cette publication est un guide sur l’Union européenne (UE) et ses activités. La section 1 explique brièvement ce qu’est l’Union européenne. La section 2, intitulée «Ce que fait l’Union européenne», décrit les efforts que déploie l’UE dans trente-cinq domaines pour améliorer la vie des citoyens en Europe et ailleurs. La section 3, intitulée «Comment l’Union européenne prend des décisions et agit», décrit les institutions au coeur du processus décisionnel de l’UE et la manière dont leurs décisions se traduisent en actions.
- Available in DE
- Published: 2020-02-01
- Corporate Author(s): Directorate-General for Communication (European Commission)

© European Union
The ABC of EU law
The legal order created by the European Union shapes our political life and society. Individuals are not merely citizens of their country, town or district; they are also Union citizens. ‘The ABC of EU law’ by Prof. Klaus-Dieter Borchardt examines the roots of the European project and its development as a legal order, and is a definitive reference work on the subject. It is intended for interested readers who would like an initial insight into the structure of the Union and the supporting pillars of the European legal order.
- Available in DE, FR
- Published: 2018-01-09
- Corporate Author(s): Directorate-General for Communication (European Commission)