Mobility Staff Mobility


Your home university must use its Erasmus+ Staff Mobility budget to reimburse you for the costs incurred during your mobility.

Incoming staff in the framework of Erasmus+ (Partner universities)

Are you a staff member of a partner university?

General rules

  • You are a national of a country participating in Erasmus+;
  • The mobility period cannot be shortened;
  • You must find, on your own, a mentor who agrees to host you among the staff of the University of Luxembourg during your mobility period.
  • During the mobility, you must remain employed at your Home Institution;
  • You must submit a work plan to the relevant Mobility Officer (details below) agreed upon with the receiving enterprise / institution.
  • Please consider at least 45 days before your mobility in order to complete the formalities in your institution and in our institution.


  • Teaching assignments are possible for both teaching staff from a Higher Education Institution (HEI) and/or invited staff of private enterprises;
  • If the visiting staff member is from a Higher Education institution, a bilateral Erasmus+ agreement must have been previously signed between the two institutions – please check with your home institution;
  • The minimum / maximum duration depends on the department/mentor;
  • The minimum duration of the teaching assignment is 8 hours per week;
  • The teaching programme must be agreed in writing in advance by all parties in the mobility agreement (to be provided at your home institution).

For administrative staff or other non-teaching staff who wish to complete professional development at the University of Luxembourg.

The minimum / maximum duration depends on the department/mentor.

The training period at your home institution may be referred to in a variety of forms, including, (but not limited to);

  • short secondment period
  • short secondment period
  • job-shadowing scheme
  • study visit
  • workshop
  • conference, etc.

The training programme must be agreed in writing in advance by all parties in the mobility agreement (to be provided at your home institution).

Note: language training and attendance of conferences, seminars and workshops should not represent the majority of the total training days.

Travel support and individual support for physical mobility will be financed by your home institution. You will be reimbursed on presentation of a certificate of attendance signed by the University of Luxembourg at your request.


Your home university must use its Erasmus+ Staff Mobility budget to reimburse you for the costs incurred during your mobility.

Incoming staff in the framework of International Credit Mobility

International Credit Mobility (ICM) supports the mobility of individuals enrolled or employed at a higher education institution (HEI), from a Programme Country to a Partner Country or vice versa.

Staff mobility for teaching for academic staff and for invited staff from non-academic organisations to teach at a partner higher education institution (HEI) abroad. The mobility period can last from 5 days to 60 days.

Staff mobility for training staff in the form of training events abroad (excluding conferences), job shadowing, observation periods and/or training at a partner HEI. The mobility period can last from 5 days to 60 days.

Participating Partner Country HEIs must be recognised as higher education institutions by competent authorities. After the project has been selected for funding and before any mobility can take place, the Programme Country HEI must sign an inter-institutional agreement with their Partner Country HEIs.

1. Travel day support – Contribution to travel costs

What amount will I receive?

Calculate the approximate amount you may be entitled to for the trip by using the distance calculator.

The rule is that only 2 travel days are allocated (1 for the outward journey, 1 for the return journey).

Flat rate amount by travel distance:

Standard travel: 275 EUR per participant
Green travel*: 320 EUR per participant

Standard travel: 360 EUR per participant
Green travel*: 410 EUR per participant

Standard travel: 530 EUR per participant
Green travel*: 610 EUR per participant

Standard travel: 820 EUR per participant
Green travel*: /

Standard travel: 1500 EUR per participant
Green travel*: /

2. Individual support for physical mobility

Incoming teaching mobility

  • University of Tirana (Albania) – 4 spots
  • University of Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) – 4 spots
  • Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (Georgia) – 2 spots
  • The National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” (Ukraine) – 2 spots
  • North American Private University : International Institute of Technology (Tunisia) – 1 spot

Incoming training mobility

  • Indian Institute of Technology Madras (India) – 1 spot
  • Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar (UCAD) (Senegal) – 3 spots
  • Edith Cowan University (Australia) – 2 spots

Application procedure

  1. Find, on your own, a mentor at the University of Luxembourg who agrees to host you during your mobility (see our organisation chart).
    Once the mentor at the University of Luxembourg agreed with your mobility:
  2. Send the appropriate Mobility staff member (listed below) the official invitation letter (see model) signed by the mentor who will be responsible for you at the University of Luxembourg during your mobility period.
  3. Also send the following document(s) duly signed to the appropriate mobility staff member (listed below):

Staff members responsible for staff mobility:


You are required to have adequate insurance coverage that includes personal accident and medical expenses.