Mobility Staff Mobility

Outgoing staff

Are you a staff member of University of Luxembourg interested in mobility?

Then you have the right to undertake a training mobility in an institution, company or training organisation in another European country or in higher education institutions in targeted third countries.

The mobility is funded by the Erasmus+ scheme and complies with the EU grant rules and conditions.

Erasmus+ Mobility for staff teaching & training

General rules

You can participate if you are a staff member of the University of Luxembourg (academic, technical and administrative staff and PhD students under contracts);

  • Have signed an employment contract with the University of Luxembourg (permanent or fixed-term).
  • The amounts allocated (contribution to travel costs and individual support for physical mobility) depend on rules set by the European Commission and not by the University (financial guidelines);
  • The applicant may be a national of any country;
  • Please apply at least 45 days before the start of your mobility;
  • The mobility period cannot be shortened;
  • The minimum duration is 2 days and the maximum duration of mobility is 12 days / academic year (Europe);
  • The minimum duration is 5 days and the maximum duration of mobility is 12 days / academic year (Outside Europe);
  • You can go on mobility as many times as you like until you reach the 12-day limit;
  • The training institution must be located in a country participating in the Erasmus+ programme;
  • The mobility can only take place if funds are available to cover the expected cost;
  • You have to advance the costs of your mobility, the costs will be reimbursed to you on your return;
  • The amount allocated depends on the distance travelled (from the University of Luxembourg) and the duration of your stay, this will be calculated in the grant agreement;
  • The number of travel days allocated is determined by the geographical location of the host institution. From 1 March 2024, the rule is that 2 days will be added to the individual support you receive.(unless your mobility takes place in an institution in the Greater Region).
  • You must, by your own means, find a mentor who agrees to host you among the staff of the host Institution during the desired mobility period;
  • Submit an official letter of invitation signed by the mentor / organization / institution who will be responsible for you;
  • The mobility and grant agreements will have to be approved and signed by the home institution (you, head of BRI, DA, rector) and by the host institution;
  • Your manager / supervisor must approve your mobility by written;
  • For staff mobility outside Europe, there are only a few spots available in some institutions (see the section “Spots available outside Europe” below).
  • The University of Luxembourg does not provide additional payment for teaching hours at another university, except of course the reimbursement of travel and accommodation costs. If the teaching hours are outside your contractual hours (40 hours/week) and the other University where you are going to teach wishes to remunerate you, you will have to prior request an authorization for ancillary activity.


Mobility for academic staff to complete a teaching assignment abroad.

  • A bilateral Erasmus+ agreement must have been previously signed between the UL and the receiving institution;
  • The minimum duration is 2 days (within Europe) and 5 Days (outside Europe);
  • Due to budget limitations, the maximum duration of stay the University of Luxembourg can fund is 2 weeks;
  • The minimum duration of a teaching assignment is 8 hours per week;
  • The teaching programme must be agreed in writing in advance by all parties (in the mobility agreement).

Mobility for administrative staff or other non-teaching staff to complete training abroad.

  • The minimum duration is 2 days (within Europe) and 5 Days (outside Europe);
  • Due to budget limitations, the maximum duration of stay the University of Luxembourg can fund is 2 weeks (14 days);
  • The training period at your host institution may be referred to in a variety of forms, including, (but not limited to);
    • short secondment period;
    • job-shadowing scheme;
    • study visit;
    • workshop;
    • training;
    • conference, etc.
  • You should submit a work plan agreed upon with the receiving enterprise / institution to University of Luxembourg before departure;
  • Language training and attendance of conferences, seminars and workshops should not represent the majority of the total training days.


1. Find your mobility opportunity

The training institution must be located in a country participating in the Erasmus+ programme.

Training activities for university administrative and technical staff organised at universities across Europe can be found on the IMOTION or SHIPCON platforms.

If you can’t find an offer that suits you, you can also contact an institution that you think will enable you to acquire new working habits, discover innovative approaches in your field or simply exchange good practice.

2. Before departure / Application

Please send the required document to the appropriate Mobility staff member (listed below):

To apply for a teaching mobility:

  • Get approval from your supervisor to go on mobility;
  • Check if there is an existing bilateral agreement (mandatory for teaching assignment) with the host institution (Send an e-mail to explaining that you wish to undertake a teaching mobility in Europe);
  • Request and submit the official invitation letter signed by the mentor / organisation / institution that will be responsible for you during your mobility period;
    or your registration confirmation for the course you wish to attend;
  • Go to the “Allowance to receive” section below and calculate the approximate amount allocated;
  • Make sure that you can afford to advance these costs;
  • Prepare an up-to-date CV (you will be asked for it when you fill in the online form for your mobility application).

If there are funds available and you are selected (you will be informed by e-mail on receipt of the invitation letter / registration confirmation), you will be sent the link from BRI (Bureau des Relations Internationales) to complete the online form which will be used to fill in all the documents required for your mobility application.

Important information: All the necessary documents (mobility agreement, grant agreement (to be signed on paper and sent by internal mail), travel approval, certificate of attendance, expense declarations Part 1 / Part 2) will be sent to you by e-mail once you have submitted the above mentioned application form together with the procedures to follow before and after your mobility.

To apply for a training mobility:

  • Get approval from your supervisor to go on mobility;
  • Check that the host country is one of the Erasmus+ programme countries;
  • Submit a scan of the official invitation letter signed by the mentor / organization / institution who will be responsible for you during your mobility period;
    or registration confirmation for the course you wish to attend;
  • Check that the host institution is one that qualifies for the Erasmus+ grant;
  • Remember that the registration fee is not covered by the Erasmus+ grant;
  • Go to the “Allowance to receive” section below and calculate the allocated amount;
  • Make sure that you can afford to advance these costs;

If there are funds available and you are selected (you will be informed by e-mail on receipt of the invitation letter / registration confirmation), you will be sent the link to complete the online form which will be used to fill in all the documents required for your mobility application.

Important information: All the necessary documents (mobility agreement, grant agreement (to be signed on paper and sent by internal mail), travel approval, certificate of attendance) will be sent to you by e-mail once you have submitted the above mentioned application form with the procedures to follow before and after your mobility.

Staff members responsible for staff mobility:

3. After your mobility period / Report

For teaching mobility and training mobility:

  • Obtain signature of the host institution of the certificate of attendance;
  • Complete the survey requested by the European Commission (this link will be sent to you upon your return);
  • Complete the internal survey: feedback on your mobility experience
  • Sign and send to the appropriate person (within Europe: Karin Langumier / outside Europe: Emily Langham) the: Déclaration de frais/Declaration of expenses (PART 1costs covered by Erasmus+ as indicated in the grant agreement) together with the following documents:
    1. the original boarding passes / train tickets;
    2. certificate of attendance duly signed from the host institution;
    3. grant agreement (not mobility but grant) duly signed;
    4. the receipted invoice for the organisation of your trip issued in your name with a proof of payment by you (bank card statement);
    5. the receipted invoice for your accommodation issued in your name with a proof of payment by you (bank card statement);
    6. request for travel approval duly signed;
  • If you require a complementary reimbursement: sign the: Déclaration de frais/Declaration of expenses (PART 2complementary reimbursement of costs not covered by Erasmus+ up to a maximum of €600), have it signed by the holder of the budget from which the additional costs (not covered by Erasmus+) will be taken and by another member of the rectorate, then send it directly to the finance department together with the following receipts:
    1. registration fee;
    2. flight expenses (Economy class flight only);
    3. parking (airport and station);
    4. local transport.

Important information: All the necessary documents (certificate of attendance, mobility agreement, grant agreement, travel approval, declaration of expenses part 1) have been sent to you before your mobility trip by e-mail.

Allowance to receive

The amount you will be allocated depends on the location of the host institution and consists of:

Note: The amounts allocated (contribution to travel costs and individual support for physical mobility) depend on rules set by the European Commission and not by the University (financial guidelines).

Calculation of the amount allocated =

Travel support (flat rate) depending on location of host institution
+ duration of your mobility (including 2 days for travel) X individual support for physical mobility.

    1. Travel day support – Contribution to travel costs

    What amount will I receive?

    Calculate the approximate amount you may be entitled to for the trip by using the distance calculator.

    The rule is that only 2 travel days are allocated (1 for the outward journey, 1 for the return journey except if your mobility is going to take place near Luxembourg: e.g. Saarbrücken then only 1 day – outward and return journey).

    Flat rate amount by travel distance:

    Standard travel: 23 EUR per participant
    Green travel*: /

    Standard travel: 180 EUR per participant
    Green travel*: 210 EUR per participant

    Standard travel: 275 EUR per participant
    Green travel*: 320 EUR per participant

    Standard travel: 360 EUR per participant
    Green travel*: 410 EUR per participant

    Standard travel: 530 EUR per participant
    Green travel*: 610 EUR per participant

    Standard travel: 820 EUR per participant
    Green travel*: /

    Standard travel: 1500 EUR per participant
    Green travel*: /

    Note: The “travel distance” represents the distance between the place of origin and the venue, whereas the “amount” covers the contribution to the travel both to and from the venue. 2 days for travel (1 for the outward journey, 1 for the return journey except if your mobility is going to take place near Luxembourg: e.g. Saarbrücken) will be added to the amount of “individual support”.

    * Green travel: From the summer semester 2022 onwards, you can receive a bonus if you use environmentally friendly, sustainable means of transport for your trip to your host country. This includes travel by train, bus or the use of carpooling. Submit a corresponding proof and you will receive up to 50,00 Euro and four additional travel days subsidized (e.g. 15€/day; total 110,00 Euro Green-travel Top-up).

    2. Individual support for physical mobility

    Amount per day and per person by receiving country (programme and partner countries) for staff from programme countries:

    160 EUR

    160 EUR

    140 EUR

    140 EUR

    160 EUR

    140 EUR

    180 EUR

    140 EUR

    contact Karin Langumier for more information

    180 EUR

    160 EUR

    160 EUR

    160 EUR

    140 EUR

    180 EUR

    180 EUR

    160 EUR

    140 EUR

    180 EUR

    140 EUR

    160 EUR

    160 EUR

    180 EUR

    140 EUR

    160 EUR

    140 EUR

    140 EUR

    140 EUR

    140 EUR

    140 EUR

    160 EUR

    180 EUR

    140 EUR

    180 EUR

    180 EUR

    For countries outside Europe: go to the “Spots Available Outside Europe” section below

    Insurance and assistance coverage

    –> If you are a Luxembourg citizen: for your own safety, we recommend that you declare online your stay abroad to the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Defence, Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade.

    The responsible party for taking out insurance and assistance coverage is:

    In the case of intra-EU mobility, the participant’s national health insurance will include a basic coverage during their stay in another EU country through the European Health Insurance Card. However, this coverage may not be sufficient for all situations, for example in case of repatriation or special medical intervention or in case of international mobility. In that case, a complementary private health insurance may be needed.

    The organisation has taken out an insurance policy with La Luxembourgeoise (contract N°RC00178462) that covers the pecuniary consequences of civil liabilities for employees from physical injury and material and immaterial loss or damage caused to third parties.

    All employees of the University of Luxembourg travelling on business abroad (outside Luxembourg), with the approval of the university (request for travel approval duly signed), are covered with personal accident and travel insurance by AXA Assurances for any accidents that can occur during their stay abroad, irrespective of the country where the accident occurs.

    If you require assistance whilst abroad, please contact without any delay the AXA Assistance Benelux helpline 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.

    Staff Assistance: + 32 2 552 53 53 /

    Please quote policy number: 27/0112847

    As part of the travel insurance, any claim not immediately reported to the assistance helpline will not be compensated.

    Medical and safety services provided by the University of Luxembourg for its staff while travelling abroad:

    International SOS – is not an insurance company and does not replace personal medical insurance – but aims to provide its permanent staff with assistance, medical advice and safety services worldwide 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

    Contact international SOS

    Contact an International SOS Assistance Center at any time! We recommend calling the closest lead Assistance Center:

    If calling fromCall Assistance Centre inAt this number
    Asia, Australia or the Pacific RimSingaporeCall collect*: (+0065) 6338-7800
    Europe, CIS, Africa or the Middle EastLondonCall collect*: (+0044) 208-762-8008
    Mexico or South and Central AmericaPhiladelphia, PACall collect*: (+001) 215-942-8226
    U.S. or CanadaPhiladelphia, PA(+001) 800-523-6586
    Call collect*: (+001) 215-942-8226

    Subscriber Assistance*:
    +44(0)20 8762 8008 or login to portal : Members Website – INTERNATIONAL SOS © 2022

    *does not apply to family members

    Download the International SOS assistance mobile application

    Organising your trip abroad

    IMPORTANT: Remember that you must not use the University’s travel agency (travel pro), request the creation of an internal purchase order or use a University credit card, as you will be reimbursed on your private account. You will have to organise it through another agency as you’ll be advancing the cost of your mobility yourself.

    Spots available outside Europe

    For mobility outside Europe (ICM): the minimum duration is 5 days and the maximum is 2 weeks

    Partner institutions in third countries:

    Staff exchanges from University of Luxembourg are currently possible to the following partner institutions in third countries (updated 19_11_2024):

    Mobility for teaching :

    • University of Tirana (Albania) – 3 spots
    • University of Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) – 2 spots
    • North American Private University : International Institute of Technology (Tunisia) – 1 spot

    Mobility for training :

    • UCAD – Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar (Senegal) – 4 spots

    Individual support for physical mobility from University of Luxembourg:

    • Staff from Programme Countries (Amount per day in EUR)

      Receiving country

    • 180 EUR

      Partner Countries from
      Regions 1-4
      Regions 6-14

    Staff member responsible for staff mobility outside Europe: