
Come in, it’s open!

  • University / Central Administration and Rectorate
    16 March 2024
  • Category
    Education, University

Bienvenue, Welcome!” At the University of Luxembourg’s Open Day, languages and cultures come together to immerse visitors in a melting pot of culture and knowledge. While some arrive with a list of visits and lectures to attend, others let themselves be guided by the advice of the guides, recognisable by their uniforms in Uni colours.

Aspiring doctors get their information at the Maison du Savoir, and not far away, the new nursing study programmes are revealed to visitors.

With her small suitcase in hand, Eugénie has just arrived from Montpellier, where she is completing a Master’s degree in Business Law. “I’d like to study for a Master’s in European and International Tax Law,” explains the 22-year-old. “It’s a niche Master’s programme that interests me, as does the cosmopolitan nature of the University, because I’d like to work in a polyglot environment and improve my English. What’s more, there are a lot of specialist law firms in Luxembourg, which could make it easier for me to do work placements and even find a job“, she explains.

It’s never too late to study

After collecting information and brochures from the stand, Nicolas was convinced of his choice: it would be the Master’s in Finance and Economics. The thirty-year-old is already familiar with professional life, but he would like to add to his bachelor’s degree in business economics obtained in Italy. “I’m interested in the training on offer because I’d like to progress in my career“, he explains, so he’s planning to return to class before bouncing back to the office.

For her part, Lorie is still hesitating, and came to Open Day with plenty of questions. The young woman, currently training to become an educator in Mersch, would like to study for a Bachelor’s degree in European Cultures – English Studies. But she is also thinking about studying at a Dutch university. “The advantage of the Uni is that I wouldn’t have to move, and the exchange semester abroad gives me the opportunity to travel“, she explains. 

What’s more, she’s already familiar with the facilities, having walked through the doors of the Learning Centre as part of her studies. That’s not the case for Leonel, who has come all the way from Mainz. The Environmental Sciences student would like to start a Master’s degree in Sustainable Development – Energy and Environment at the Uni next autumn: “I’m currently studying in English in Germany, but I’d like to continue my studies in English and French, which is why I’m interested in the University of Luxembourg“.

Total immersion

The 27-year-old plans to use the day to explore the facilities at Belval. “The architecture is magnificent, which makes me want to discover more,” he adds.

Guided tours of the campus, the Learning Centre and the research facilities and laboratories are a unique opportunity for future students to get their bearings. On a human scale, the Belval campus was unveiled on Saturday in a friendly atmosphere that provided a wealth of information for the day’s thousands of visitors.

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  • 15 March 2024

    Discover new study programmes for the 2024-2025 academic year

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