
Housing markets in Luxembourg, Prospects and Challenges

  • Department of Finance
    07 September 2023
  • Topic

Monday 23 October 2023 from 18.00 to 21.00
Lecture held in English
Neumünster Abbey


Prof. Christos Koulovatianos
Full professor
Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance
Department of Finance


Luxembourg is one of the countries with the highest household leveraging on private debt and mortgage loans. Since long ago, there is a growing discrepancy between rental costs and house prices, leading to a potential economy-wide exposure to external shocks, such as energy shocks. With real estate being in the balance sheets of households, companies, and banks, the risk of a housing bubble and subsequent burst is systematic: a sudden drop in house prices can trigger a major economy-wide crisis. Concepts and principles on how to detect exposures and how to influence housing-cost dynamics through policy will be presented.


18.00 – 19.00: lecture
19.00 – 19.30: Q&A session
19.30 – 21.00: networking cocktail