
Study Morning – Luxembourg and Europe: History, analysis and future prospects

  • Europe Direct University of Luxembourg
    03 March 2022

Europe Direct at the University of Luxembourg, and its partners – the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH), the Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER), the European Movement Luxembourg and the European School of Luxembourg 1 – are pleased to invite you to the Study morning titled “Luxembourg and Europe – history, analysis and future prospects” on 3 March 2022, 9.00 to 13.15, at the European School of Luxembourg 1 (Kirchberg).

The aim of this study morning is to familiarise students in their final years at the European School (from a variety of specialisations – geography, history, political studies, etc.) with the issues related to Luxembourg’s role in the European integration process, especially given its status as a permanent capital of the European institutions, and to explore the current challenges facing Luxembourg in a European context.

Programme and speakers

  • 9.00–9.20 – Opening session
    • Speakers: M. Martin Wedel – Director of the European School of Luxembourg 1, and Dr Elena Danescu – Coordinator of Europe Direct University of Luxembourg
  • 9.20-10.30 – First session: “Luxembourg in Europe and in the world – a historical overview of the country’s socio-economic development from the 19th to the 21st century”
    • Speaker: Dr Franz Clément – Researcher at LISER
    • Presentation (9.20-9.50)
    • Question and answer session, discussions with pupils (9.50-10.30)
  • 10.30-10.45 – Break
  • 10.45-12.00 – Second session: “The origins of Economic and Monetary Union – the role of Pierre Werner and Luxembourg in developing the euro”
    • Speaker: Dr Elena Danescu – Research Scientist at the C2DH, Coordinator of Europe Direct University of Luxembourg
    • Presentation (10.45-11.05)
    • Screening of the documentary “Pierre Werner and Europe” (11.05-11.25)
    • Question and answer session, discussions with pupils (11.25-12.00)
  • 12.00-12.15 – Break
  • 12.15-13.15 – Third session: “Luxembourg and Europe – looking back, looking forward”
    • Speaker: Mrs Martine Reicherts – Former pupil at the European School Luxembourg, former Member of the European Commission, former Director-General of the Publications Office of the European Union, presently President of the European Movement Luxembourg.
    • Presentation (12.15-13.00)
    • Question and answer session, discussions with pupils (13.00-13.15)
  • 13.15 – Closing session
    • Conclusions
    • End of the event

Presentation of the speakers

In alphabetical order

Franz Clément

Franz Clément graduated in political science from the Université catholique de Louvain and completed a postgraduate degree in sociology of work at Nancy 2 University. He holds a PhD in Sociology from the CNAM (Conservatoire national des arts et métiers) in Paris. He is a researcher in social sciences at the Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER) in Esch-Belval. He has led various studies and authored publications on social dialogue in Luxembourg and the Greater Region and on cross-border workers in this area.

Elena Danescu

Elena Danescu is a Research Scientist, PhD in the Contemporary History of Europe Department at the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH), University of Luxembourg . Her research expertise is focused on: History of economic thought; contemporary history of Europe; oral history; democratic transitions in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. She has authored various academic publications in her specialist areas. Since April 2019 she is the Coordinator of the Europe Direct at the University of Luxembourg.

Martine Reicherts

Martine Reicherts has held multiple positions during her career. She was Deputy Head of Cabinet in the cabinet of President Jacques Santer, as well as his spokesperson. She was also Director General of the Publications Office of the European Union, European Commissioner in charge of the Justice portfolio for 4 months, Director General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture. Since February 2018, she has been a member of the board of the Central Bank in Luxembourg and since December 2019, she is President of the National Research Fund in Luxembourg. Mrs Reicherts is also President of the Luxembourg Federation of Yoga Teachers, member of the strategic council, University of Aix/Marseille, France, member of the board of the Alumni Europae, member of the board of the Solistes européens Luxembourg and President of the Mouvement européen Luxembourg.

Martin Wedel

Martin Wedel is the Head of European School Luxembourg I since September 2017. Before, he has held multiple positions. Between 1994 and 2002, he was a Secondary school teacher for French, History and Politics. Then, he became an expert Adviser at the Baden-Württemberg Ministry for Education. Between 2004 and 2014, he was Head of the Deutsch-Französisches Gymnasium in Freiburg. He starts his career in the European School in 2014 as Deputy Head Secondary European School Luxembourg II.