One year ago, the University signed the international Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment, a common direction for shifting assessment practices for researchers and research performing organisations. The University’s action plan, based on the agreement and setting the path for improved practices of research assessment, is now available.
The Agreement is proposed by the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA), a network of more than 600 organisations from 40 countries committed to quality of research. The Agreement builds on a global movement to advance these practices, with the overarching goal to maximise the quality and impact of research. Specifically, research assessment should be:
- based primarily on qualitative judgement,
- with a central role of peer review,
- and supported by responsible use of quantitative indicators.
The University’s Action Plan concerns practices both internally and in concertation with external stakeholders. It is now, in line with the statutes of CoARA for collaborative learning, available online on the platform Zenodo.
The University of Luxembourg signed the CoARA Agreement on 3 November 2022. Since March 2023, the Vice-Rector for Research Prof. Simone Niclou, coordinates the activities of research assessment. To drive the internal reflection process on these topics, the rector Prof. Jens Kreisel appointed Prof. Anja Leist as Special Advisor for Research Assessment and Prof. Emma Schymanski as Special Advisor for Open Science and Data Management.
All CoARA members and the full text of the agreement can be found on the CoARA website
Other signatories’ action plans can also be viewed on the Zenodo platform.
© Photo: Bernardo Lorena Ponte via Unsplash